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"you look good in leather." he said with bright pink cheeks and a small smile. jonah looked at corbyn with an amused expression. "why thank you." he said, grabbing the small costume and looking it over. "so, do you like the boys?" he asked, turning his full attention to corbyn.

"i do. they're both very nice. claim they want to see me all sexed up." he said with a laugh, shaking his head. jonah leaned down to kiss his cheek. "yeah, you'd look good half naked, you do look good half naked. you look good completely naked-you just always look good, corbyn." he complimented, causing the smaller boy to hit him gently, laughing.

"you three need to stop that." he said seriously, staring up at jonah, remaining completely silent for a moment. "you top, right?" he asked curiously, reaching up to trace jonah's jawline. the older boy stared at him for a minute, nodding slowly. "yeah. i've never bottomed before, why?" he asked.

corbyn shrugged, blushing. "jack asked me if i topped or bottomed. i told him that i didn't know." he explained, hiding his face in jonah's neck. jonah nodded in understanding. "does sex still make you nervous?" he asked, rubbing the blonde's back.

corbyn shrugged, keeping quiet. jonah laughed softly. "you need to embrace your sexuality." he said. "you're gay, and you're sexy as fuck. and you look fucking perfect naked. you just need to be comfortable, you know." he said, pulling away and making corbyn look up at him. "so gorgeous. i mean, the guys want to see you in lingerie or in a thong or leather or a costume or something. and you just blush and roll your eyes, but there is a reason. it's because you're absolutely stunning." he said, laughing softly.

"they want me to work the bar." he said, hacking his head. jonah nodded slowly. "it'll be fun." he pointed out. "come on" he said. "wait, no. jack, zach!" he called, leaning down to kiss him chastely. he smiled down at corbyn reassuringly, turning to the boys when they came over. "okay, so what do you think corbyn would look good in?" he asked.

jack beams, clapping his hands together before leaning in to kiss corbyn chastely. "blue. he'll look good in anything blue." he said simply, nodding once. "can i put him in a corset? please let me get him into some lingerie." jack pleaded, looking entirely too excited. zach laughed, "or like, just a pair of briefs." he suggested, walking over to a different rack of clothing. "eben, we're using one of your pieces." he yelled, bringing a pair of sequinsed, american flag boxers. "eben is the closest to your size, i believe." zach said.

corbyn just stared at the three men. "i..." he trailed off, shaking his head slowly. jonah rolled his eyes. "come on, princess. we'll be the only three to see you, if you want." he said. "comfortable in your body and your sexuality, remember?" he said, kissing him softly.

"can i please put him in a corset?" jack asked again, louder this time, and zach laughed, swatting jack gently. "you have to ask him, jack." the youngest said, sending a wink towards corbyn, beaming happily.

"please corbyn? please? you'd look so pretty. so so so pretty. i have three different shades of blue. you can pick." he pleaded, putting on his best pouty face.

corbyn swallowed thickly, looking between the three men. "i feel very overwhelmed." he said shakily, looking down at his hands. jack walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. he was warm, and corbyn was taken aback. "it's just a lot." he said, and jack shook his head. "but you'll look so fucking pretty." he said softly, kissing corbyn's cheek.

corbyn rolled his eyes, sighing. "fine. whatever." he muttered, and jack's face lit up. corbyn was then tugged over to jack's costume rack. "which one do you want?" he asked, pointing to three different colors. "you choose." he says stiffly, watching jack pick an outfit before he dragged corbyn over to a dressing room.

"okay, so this is a zip up corset with a lacey bodice. and the panties are lace too. and this color will contrast with your skin so nicely." jack said, reaching for the hem of corbyn's shirt, tugging it off. "see, look at you." he said happily. "you're all cream colored and soft. stunning, really." he complimented.

corbyn blushed red, letting jack zip him in. "you're going to need to take your pants off before you can put your undies on." jack pointed out, moving closer and undoing corbyn's jeans so casually that it was almost absurd.

ten minutes later, jack had completely explained all-things-lingerie to corbyn, messing up his hair a bit before chuckling. "let's get jonah to have a look at you, then." he said, tugging the blonde boy out of the room, clearing his throat to catch the attention of jonah and zach.

corbyn bites his lip, walking out behind jack, and the response takes him completely by surprise. jonah reaches out to touch his hip, feeling the sheer material, his eyes wide and dark. "jesus christ, i'm buying you some lingerie." he muttered, taking in every inch of corbyn's clear skin.

"damn. you look nearly as good as jack in that outfit." he said, reaching down to stroke his thumb across corbyn's hipbone. "sexy." he mused. "now get out and go put on the boy shorts. more you, i reckon. fits your personality better." he said, ushering corbyn into the room.

it takes him only moments to get corbyn from one outfit to the other, grinning happily. "i could actually just eat you up. seriously, we don't open for another hour or so. we should get you on the pole- just to see how well you move." he said, "i for one would love to see you up there dancing." he said, dipping down to kiss him softly and chastely.

"jack is in makeup. i'll send jonah in, i need to get into hair and makeup as well. you look stunning, bean." zach said before leaving corbyn alone in the room.

he stared at himself in the mirror, not even seeing the meek boy that he normally felt like. he saw jonah behind him in the mirror and smiled. "do you like it?" he asked, turning around, and jonah nodded, keeping quiet.

"if you and i weren't already intimate, i would take you on the table right there." he informed cheekily before kissing corbyn slowly, his tongue in the blonde's mouth before corbyn even knew what was happening.

"zach thinks that i should try dancing before the club opens." corbyn said against his lips, in between fervent, messy kisses. jonah nodded. "it's all up to you, gorgeous." he said. "maybe tomorrow, or maybe at home." he said. "i'll teach you how to give a proper lap dance, yeah?" he said with a chuckle, kissing the blonde again,

corbyn felt weirdly out of his element and at home in the same moment. it wasn't until the door opened that corbyn and jonah split apart.

"jesus, there you are, marais. you're up after brandon tonight, okay? zach said that you're going with leather?" the guy said, and corbyn froze, keeping his face impassive. he recognized the voice from that day at jonah's apartment.

he didn't think about a face that would go with the violence, but corbyn didn't really want jonah to be around him.

corbyn almost got out of the room without being noticed, but before turning to leave, the big boss man stopped, raising his eyebrows. "and who might this be?" he asked, glancing at jonah.

"this is my boyfriend, corbyn." jonah said simply. "we convinced him to try on a few things." he said, and the big boss nodded. "he's pretty. say, sweetheart. do you know anything about alcohol? i need someone at the bar, and i'd rather it not be nick again. he kept trying to give attractive men hand jobs. that man." he said, sighing.

i shrug. "i really don't know much." he said. "but if jonah gives me his phone, i'll just google anything that i don't know." he said, a bit terrified of the man.

he nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "if you ever feel like stripping, you have a job." he said. "but for tonight, bartender- and stay in that. you'll sell drinks, i promise." he said, leaving the room.

jonah tossed me his phone, kissing my cheek. "go examine the bar. i need to get ready. see you soon, sexy. stay beautiful." he said, and my heart fluttered.
this book is on crack and so am i

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