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when they pulled up to daniel's house, corbyn let out a shaky breath. he sighed, taking in the familiar surroundings and turning to look at daniel. the younger boy was smiling softly, turning to look at corbyn.
"it's just mum. you don't have to look so nervous." he teased, getting out and waiting for corbyn to join him before going inside, waving at his mum when she came to greet daniel. she immediately turned her attention the the blonde, coming over and hugging him tight.
"oh, corbyn. we've missed seeing you at church the last couple of weeks. have you been alright?" she questioned, and his heart twisted a bit. it hurt him to know that his family had decided to pretend that everything was completely fine. his mind flashed to his father, expression darkening a bit.
"i was sick, is all." he explained with a shrug, and she nodded.
"listen, mum, corbyn has to stay here tonight, okay? his dad is angry with him, and he feels more comfortable if there's a night for everyone to just calm down."
corbyn was impressed by how smooth daniel's lie had been, and she nodded, chattering cheerfully about how dinner would be at six thirty as per usual, and that they would be having pasta.
"now, you two boys go upstairs and get that homework done. you both better have high marks, or i'll ground you." she teased happily, returning to the kitchen as soon as daniel tugged corbyn up the stairs.
"i'm going to fail everything now. have you seen all of the work i have to make up? think i might vomit." he joked, shaking his head.
daniel rolled his eyes at that. "you can have all of my maths work if you want. and science too. you're on your own for english and philosophy though, i'm afraid." corbyn just thanked him.
and the boys fell into their normal dynamic, chatting and joking around and after dinner, they just gossiped until it was late and corbyn fell asleep curled up to his best friends side.
and the next day of school was easier. he did, indeed catch up for the most part, forcing himself to finish as much work as he possibly could.
after the final bell rang, corbyn sighed, making his way to daniel. it only took about twenty minutes for daniel to drive corbyn to his flat downtown. he looked around, frowning.
"ew. this place is absolute shit." he mused, and corbyn rolled his eyes.
"fuck off, it's better than the fucking gutter." he pointed out, and daniel rolled his eyes, muttering about how his house had extra space.
they were quiet after that, sitting in the settling silence, both staring out the windshield of daniel's trusty car.
"just... call me if you need anything, corbs." daniel added softly, kissing the blonde's cheek before watching corbyn get out, climbing the stairs and using his key to get in, frowning deeply at the cluttered mess that met him.
there were broken plates and bottles on the floor, shattered everywhere.
jonah staggered out of the bedroom when corbyn shut the door behind him, pointing a finger and stumbling closer.
"you fucking think, that you can just not show up? huh?" he slurred, forcing himself into corbyn's space, causing the smaller boy to flinch.
"daniel refused to take me yesterday. he said that you were a dick and that he wouldn't take me back until you had calmed down. and i can't just walk from school, jonah. it would taken hours." he said, keeping his voice calm. his explanation was rational, but jonah wasn't buying it, slamming his fist down on the counter.
"i don't fucking care! you don't get to fucking worry me like that, okay? you're mine, corbyn. no one else's, fucking okay? you belong to me!" he yelled, and corbyn cringed, forcing himself not to get angry about jonah's unkind words.
"and you're high, right? or are you high and drunk? you smell pretty drunk." he asked, and jonah pushed past him to the fridge.
"both, what's it to you?" he snapped, and corbyn swallowed thickly, staring at him and noticing jonah's bloody feet, cut from the glass.
"you promised that you'd stop." he said sternly, and jonah spun around, eyes manic.
"who the fuck do you think you are?" he demanded, falling in his attempt to get back over, hands slamming into the floor, palms slashed.
"look at you, poor little corbyn with his fucking hero complex, coming to swoop in and save the fucking day. you don't own me!" he yelled, and corbyn just sat there, staring at him blankly.
"you told me that you'd stop. promised, even." he said. "what shit are you on this time?" he asked then, heart pounding in his chest.
"just pot!" he yelled, and that was when everything started to blur together. screaming, throwing things, pushing. but corbyn was brought back to reality when jonah pushed him harshly, causing the blonde to fall back against the wall.
and when jonah kicked him, tears sprand to corbyn's eyes. he laid there and took the hits for a moment before gathering himself and sprinting to the bedroom where he shut and locked the door, sinking to the floor and praying that jonah would leave him alone.
in the morning, corbyn woke up on the floor, eyes swollen from crying himself to sleep. he opened the door quietly, eyes surveying the room to find jonah's sleeping body on the couch. he stared for a moment before tiptoeing out, grabbing jonah's phone from the counter and sneaking back into the bedroom, locking the door yet again.
daniel picked up on the third ring, in the middle of brushing his teeth.
"hello?" he spoke through a mouth full of foam.
"daniel it's corbyn, i need you to come and pick me up."
"oh hey corbyn, i'll be there in twenty." he said, spitting after.
"no, like, i need you to take me. and to not let me come back." he said quietly, and the line went quiet.
"it'll still take me fifteen minutes to drive there." he said, and corbyn nodded.
"i need to pack anyway." he said, and then he hit end, searching for his duffle bag and packing all of his things away, staring at the empty spaces.
when he exited the bedroom, jonah was awake and staring up at the ceiling with a strange expression.
"i'll get a job and send you the money for your rent." he said. "pay your boss back, and your drug dealer, i suppose." he said, and jonah sat up, shaking his head.
"i sure hope that you figure all of this shit out. in fact, call me when you do." he said. "or call daniel." he added, setting jonah's phone down on top of the bench.
"corbyn? corbyn, i'm sorry." he said, standing up. "i was just...anxious. and afraid that you had left. and i went out and bought some coke and some speed and more cigarettes and some vodka and..." he trailed off, and corbyn shook his head.
"that's the problem, jo. i can't be in this kind of environment. it isn't safe for me. you proved that last night." he said softly.
"no, corbyn. you don't understand." he pleaded, but corbyn cut him off.
"no, i do understand. i understand that you're a liar and an addict. and you're violent, and i'm not safe here. i am not safe with you." he snapped.
"i wish you well. get your shit together, maybe then we can make this work." he said the last part quietly, grabbing his bag and ignoring jonah's pleas while he went. jonah was crying when corbyn shut the door, walking down to where daniel was parked in his large truck, getting in the passenger's seat, hugging the duffle to his chest.
"you did the right thing, corbyn. and i told mum what had happened. we'll spend the day clearing out the spare room." he said.
and all corbyn could do was nod, staring out the window with tears running down his cheeks.

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