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corbyn woke early, and he frowned, opening his eyes to see that jonah was holding him. he was on top of jonah, his face nuzzled into jonah's neck. he groaned, sitting up and flushing when he remembered that jonah wasn't wearing any clothes. he looked around before carefully getting out of jonah's firm grip. he ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip to hide his smile.

he looked around the room before going to the bathroom and turning on the shower. he closed the door, turning to stare at himself in the mirror. his hair was absolutely crazy, and his cheeks were flushed pink. he looked more lively then he had in months, and it was strange. he smiled wide, using jonah's spare and unused toothbrush to clean his white teeth, humming happily before dropping his boxers and getting under the hot water.

it takes a special person, he thinks, to not be afraid of tomorrow even when tomorrow seems lost and hopeless. a special person such as the certain brunette haired, blue eyed rebel that was asleep in the other room. a free spirit, his mind thought. a spirit that wasn't tied down by anything. he wished that he could be like that. just doing what felt right.

he began singing softly, closing his eyes and just letting himself be content. the freedom that he felt was almost unnerving, and the water made him feel new and fresh. today was a good day.

corbyn doesn't remember why he used to feel so constrained, and he jumped when the door opened. "sounding good, blondie. want some breakfast?" jonah asked softly, still sounding almost asleep.
his tone was soft like velvet, a bit scratchy when looked at one way, but undeniably fuzzy the other. he giggled, mind wandering a bit.

"yes please." he mused, peeking out from behind the curtain. "and good morning." he said softly with a smile. "i hope you slept well. i did." he said happily. the young man staring back at him just nodded for a moment before walking into the room, closing the door. "yeah, i did too. i'd love to join you." he said slowly, staring at the blond cautiously, as if he were testing the ice, not wanting to freak the younger boy out.

corbyn flushed red, opening his mouth but not saying anything. the air was moist from steam, and he nodded, disappearing behind the curtain and facing the water, washing shampoo from his blonde hair.

jonah was stunned, walking over and pulling back the curtain a bit, stepping in behind corbyn. stunning. that was the only word that jonah could think of while he stared at the boy. clear water flowing down his flawless cream colored skin, he was like an angel. "wow." he whispered lowly, reaching out carefully to pull corbyn to his chest, wrapping his arms around the boys small waist.

"just wow." he whispered, chuckling. corbyn couldn't help but find the entire situation completely erotic. he could feel every inch of jonah pressed firmly to his backside, and it was new and interesting, and hot.

he let out a shaky breath, turning to look up at jonah, his blue eyes sparkling. he swallowed thickly, shaking his head. "jonah, i..." but he didn't finish, being cut off by jonah's lips. it was soft, and corbyn was once again surprised, turning around in jonah's arms to make the angle better.

jonah pulled back, smiling at him before leaning down to kiss corbyn's neck, sucking softly. it was new and exciting for the blond. he had no idea what he was doing, but he wanted more. more of jonah and his lips and his jokes and his smirks. he tilted his head, giving jonah easier access. "oh fuck." he said shakily, his grip on jonah's biceps tightening.

corbyn pulled away so that he could lean up, kissing him harder, pushing his tongue into jonah's mouth. it was weird and different and completely out of character, but all corbyn wanted was jonah. he wanted jonah's hands on him and jonah's mouth on his, and he couldn't hold back. he couldn't pretend that he didn't want this.

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