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corbyn woke up cocooned in blankets, his eyes red and puffy. he looked around the room, startled when he noticed jonah, leaning against the wall, watching him closely. the blond sat up, swallowing thickly, and he was surprised when jonah was next to him within seconds. "good morning, princess." he said softly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "how are you feeling? is anything broken?" he asked, sounding completely concerned. corbyn swatted at him before leaning against his chest, keeping quiet for a while.

"i'm fine, honest." he whispered, looking up at him. "i'm sorry." he added a second later. "you probably don't really want me here. i mean not on a permanent basis. not every night, and here i am, and..." he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut, and jonah shook his head.

"you're being an idiot." he said, frowning at him. "i love having you here. you're a little ray of beautiful sunshine." he said with a straight face. "and here you are. and you know, that means more kissing, and more arguing about my bad habits, and i will praise your god if i get to see you naked more often because jesus christ, you are a stunner, corbyn besson." he said, chuckling. "and right now you're bruised up and swollen and it looks like it hurts. and i wish that i could make you feel better." he said with a smile.

corbyn smiled at him, biting his lip and flushing bright red. "stop it." he said. "stop it right now or i'll hit you." he said, leaning up to kiss at his jaw, scrunching his nose up because jonah was stubbly and it scratched at his lips. "you're quite sexy, did you know that?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"i believe you've informed me a couple of times." he said, smirking. "so. it's just you and me, beautiful boy. and i'm going to kiss you." he said with a chuckle, and the younger boy just nodded, leaning in slowly, his body at an awkward angle. he scrunched up his nose, moving to his knees and squeaking in surprise when jonah pulled him onto his lap. corbyn blushed, smiling at him sheepishly. "okay." he said softly.

jonah was kissing him then, no slow build up. corbyn's hands found their way to the hair at the nape of jonah's neck, and he hummed softly, closing his eyes. jonah tasted of smoke and cinnamon, and it was the most pleasant thing he could have ever imagined. jonah was assertive and gentle at the same time, his stubble rubbing against the blond's cheek, their noses bumping a couple times.

a minute later, corbyn pulled back to breathe, his eyes still shut. "you're such a good kisser. fuck, jonah." he said with a breathless chuckle. "you make me crazy." he added, opening his eyes to see jonah staring back at him, his pupils dilated, his face intense.

it caught corbyn offgaurd, his eyes widening.

they stared at eachother for what seemed like hours before corbyn went to move off of jonah's lap, flushing red when jonah's fingers tightened on his waist. "no." he said slowly, shaking his head. "i have you right where i want you." he said, chuckling, rubbing circles on his hipbones.

corbyn let out a shaky breath, hiding his face in jonah's neck. "stop." he whined, nuzzling at his warm skin, and jonah shook his head. "never." he said, kissing the top of corbyn's head. "did you know that you are absolutely stunning?" he asked, and corbyn rolled his eyes, pushing away to get off of jonah's lap again. "stop." he repeated, giving jonah a look.

"if you keep looking at me like that, i will not be able to control myself." he said seriously. corbyn frowned, cocking his head to the side. "what do you mean?" he asked, reaching out to touch jonah's cheek and in less then a second, jonah was there, straddling him.

"corbyn, you are irresistible. i want you so bad. i want to taste you. and to feel you. and to be inside of you, but i know you're not ready for that. and i respect you and your boundaries, but if you keep looking at me like that, i will get impatient." he said, causing corbyn to be speechless and red and embarrassed.

"that was incredibly...forward." he forced out, and jonah just nodded slowly, leaning down to kiss at his jaw for a minute before making his way back to corbyn's lips, kissing him hard. corbyn made a noise of approval against jonah's soft lips. he didn't know what was happening, but he just decided to let it happen, focusing on jonah's heartbeat which he could feel steady beneath his fingertips.

he hadn't realized how strong jonah was until then, his biceps flexed while he held himself above corbyn, kissing him fiercely. corbyn felt entirely new to everything, not knowing how he was supposed to react to all of this, his hands on jonah's back, pulling him closer. his cheeks were flushed, and he needed to breathe, turning his face to the side.

"i need to breathe, jo." he said softly, chuckling. jonah nodded, kissing at his neck. "you taste good." he muttered between kisses, and corbyn giggled. "you're still on top of me. i need food. Get off." he said, moving to sit up.

jonah stood up fluidly, nodding. "i was on top of you." he said, chuckling. "come on." he said, taking corbyn's hand and pulling him to the kitchen, taking out sandwich stuff and making them each a sandwich, handing corbyn a plate before leaning in to kiss him.

corbyn rolled his eyes, walking over to the couch. "what's up with you today? you're all over me." he pointed out, plopping down and taking a large bite of his sandwich, waiting for jonah to come and sit with him, smiling when he could lean into jonah's side.

"i just like kissing you, is all. cause you're mine now. and i like to remind you." he said, wrapping one arm around his waist. corbyn raised his eyebrows, biting his lip. "yours?" he asked, kissing jonah's shoulder. "i didn't know that i was all yours." he said, chuckling.

jonah shrugged. "mine." he said again, ruffling corbyn's hair. "and now that we're living together, i should probably tell you some things that you might not be too happy about..." he trailed off, and corbyn looked up at him questioningly.

"should i be worried?" he asked slowly, raising his eyebrows. jonah stared at the wall for a minute. "i don't think anything is...worrisome persay." he said, glancing at corbyn. "but you still might freak out a bit."

corbyn nodded, waiting in about five minutes of complete silence, getting more and more agitated and nervous. "jonah." he snapped.

jonah looked down at him, still chewing on his lip. "you need to tell me what is happening." he said seriously, leaning up to kiss him.

jonah nodded slowly, keeping quiet for a minute. "so, i have in the past had some run ins with...like drugs and stuff." he said quietly, avoiding eye contact with corbyn. "don't freak out." he added. the blond just nodded. "i figured. what have you done?" he asked, sighing.

jonah shrugged. "weed, a bit of some, you know, like...harder stuff." he added, still avoiding eye contact. "jonah." corbyn said seriously. "i asked you a question, jo. what have you done?" he asked again.

"club drugs." he said quietly. "mdma, lsd, and you know, a couple of run ins with... cocaine." he said awkwardly, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "jesus christ, jonah. you're going to kill yourself." he said, sighing loudly. "do you still do drugs?" he asked, and jonah was quiet for a minute.

"only on occasion." he said awkwardly, reaching for corbyn's hand. corbyn stared at their hands, shaking his head. "you're really stupid, did you know that?" he accused, and jonah flinched. "so stupid. and you're so intelligent is what makes no fucking sense. you have so much potential, and you're killing yourself!" he said, his voice getting louder.

he really didn't want to deal with jonah's issues right then, and he sighed, taking their plates to the sink and started washing them. jonah groaned, looking over at him. "corbyn, come here. i'm not done." he said, and corbyn threw the plate at the wall, staring at him with angry eyes. "what, you do meth too? a bit of black tar?" he asked, his laugh coming out a bit delirious. "cause that's just fucking perfect." he said, hitting the counter.

and jonah was standing next to him a minute later. "no, i do not shoot heroine and i do not do meth. calm down and listen to me. the next part isn't about drugs." he said, staring at corbyn, holding his wrists. "you need to calm down." he said, shaking his head.

corbyn was breathing hard, staring at him. "i don't want you to die." he said quietly, and jonah nodded, his expression soft. "i'm not going to die, corbyn." he said, hugging the blond boy close. "maybe we should just talk later." but corbyn shook his head.

"finish." he said seriously. jonah sighed. "it's not a big deal, okay? i just work at a strip club. i'm a stripper. and it's okay." he said slowly, squeezing his eyes shut and hoping that corbyn would stay calm.

"absolutely not." corbyn said, pushing jonah away and hitting him once. "what do...no. absolutely not. i...no." he rambled, glaring at him. "why would you ever...no...i can't." he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut.

"corbyn, calm down. it's not a big deal." he said, taking his hand. "you need some sleep. and i need to get ready for work because it's going to take nick like three hours to cover up the rest of my bruises." he said, kissing corbyn's forehead.

"i'm dating a stripper." he said, staring at him. "a drug addicted stripper, who smokes too much." he added, sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"come with me to the club. you can see that it's not a big deal. i'll give you a free lap dance." he offered, pulling corbyn in by his waist. "please?" he added before kissing at corbyn's cheek. "it's not a big deal, i promise."

it took a minute for corbyn to respond, nodding slowly. "fine, jonah. you're an asshole though." he said, hitting his chest again before hugging him tight. "god, why did i have to fall for you. at this rate, you'll be dead before uni." he said. but corbyn stayed up waiting that night, them having decided that it was best of him to wait until his bruises had faded. corbyn didn't want anyone to call the cops on his jonah.

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