NSFW Headcanons

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Tim X Dally NSFW headcanons for y'all People who like to imagine this shit. (Aka People like me)

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~Tim Tops. I'm sorry but this is not debatable.

~Dallas is a needy Bitch.

~Pain Kink is a huge part of their sex life.

~So, they either have normal sex. Or they do BDSM Scenes.

~Normal Sex is awesome between the two. Sometimes Dallas can't even walk afterwards, Tim's a horny asshole.

~BDSM scenes happen when Dallas is emotionally hurting. Like "Stressed? Let me take care of you..." *Gets handcuffed to bed and played with for a while.

~After Sex Dally will sleep on his stomach with his arms hugging the pillow and Tim dies from Cuteness.

~If Tim tries to move him He whines and makes distressed noises.

~Rough Touches, Grabbing hands.

~If tim wants him in a spot, he wont be like "Hey, Babe, move here for me" no he'll be like "Get your ass here right now" and physically manhandle him in place. (Dally likes it so it's okay)

~Afterwards they lay there for a solid 30 fucking minutes because they are too lazy to get up. Then Tim gets a cig and shares it with Dallas. (Dallas barley has any because hes all happy from Sex he doesn't need the Cig for stress relief.)

~Dallas being the needy bottom he is Gets Tim to do everything afterwards.

~"Hey, Tim, can you get me a-"

~"A drink right? What do you want, apple juice?"

~Dallas just nods and puts his face in his pillow.

~They only cuddle when Dallas is in the mood. (Which is almost all the time)

~Dallas has two moods after sex

~"Hold me right now im a needy babyish man who needs cuddles"

~"Don't fucking touch me or I'll stab you with the sharp end of a pencil"

~Tim is Terrified of both sides.

~Dallas loves to lay his head on Tims chest and Have Tim rub his back and play with his hair. It makes him feel special.

~On the small chance that Dally Dom's, he's soft with it, and is always scared of hurting Tim.

~Like... Since Dally lives overstimulation, Tim is GLAD to give it to him. They'll lay in bed for an hour just playing with Dallys poor dick... Tim WILL NOT STOP PLAYING WITH HIS DICK, unless Dallas Begs him to stop, (or uses their safeword which is Texas)

~And we know Dally isnt going to beg or safeword unless he's past his limit.

~So, oh my god by the time He begs his eyes are red, and he's crying and all of his muscles are sore from clenching them, and he just wants cuddles and to feel safe.

~Aftercare is a big part of Normal Sex, and BDSM for Tim. Dally has never had a really good Dom who takes care of him after sex, all of them just never helped him afterwards.

~Like Tim will do everything, Apple Juice, cuddles, back rubs, hair petting, whispering sweet things in Dallys ear.

~Like, if anyone say him they wouldn't believe it's really Tim fucking Shepard.

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