My Prince

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Headcanon: Tim totally calls Dally his prince when Dallys in a bad mood. Maybe when Dally is terrified for whatever reason, or if he wakes up in the middle of the night shuddering from a nightmare, Tim will call him his prince.



Dally ran to Tim's house bruises forming everywhere, he had been jumped and it got to him more than it usually did. He gets home (he lives with Tim in this ksks) and he sees that Tim's not there.

"Damnit..." Dally mutters and walks to the bathroom, getting the first aid kit. He looks in the mirror and cleans up the cuts on his face, near his brow, along with the long cut on his cheek. He finishes up, seeing some blood flow into the drain of the sink.

He walks into Tim and his room and sits on the bed, he taps his Leg uneasily and bites his nails. He's never been this shoken up after a fight before... Maybe it's because it was three Soc's against just him that got him this time? Or the fact that they had a switch to his face? He wasn't sure, but he did know that he's exhausted.

He layed back, getting under the blanket, accidentally hitting his Rib with his elbow, he hisses out, and he would never admit it, but he whimpers too. He slowly falls asleep in the Cold bed wishing that Tim would be home right now to settle his nerves, and to keep him warm.

Tim heard that there was a fight down at the Dingo, apparently some poor Greaser got jumped and was beat pretty bad, no one would tell him who it was though, not wanting to make him mad.

"Yo Timmy maaan" One of his gang members speak up. "When ya gonna go home? I need a ride" the guy, Tim realized it's Jacob, slurs looking at him. Tim just nods his head yes. They go and get in Tim's car, and Tim drives down to Jacobs place and drops him off.

"Thanks man..." Jacob says as Tim gets ready to leave. Tim drives off before Jacob even gets to the door, not wanting to be another minute away from Dallas. He arrives home a few minutes later, realizing it's pretty late now, and Dally is probably asleep. He goes into his house and walks upstairs, he goes to the bathroom and sees the med kit there. 'ah man.. what happened' he thinks.

He walks in their room and takes his shirt and pants off, leaving him in his boxers. He then climbs in bed looking down at his boy. He kisses Dallys forehead and cuddles up close, putting his head in Dallys neck from behind, while putting his arms around him. Dally relaxed back into him, obviously still asleep. Tim lightly kisses at Dallys neck out of reflex. Tim soon falls asleep.

Tim wakes up to a shuddering boyfriend in his arms he quickly sits up and brushes Dallys hair out of his face, to see Dallys tears, he's still asleep but he's visibly terrified.

"Babe. Dally come on baby." Tim says slowly coaxing Dally out of his nightmare, Dally jumps up and pushes away from Tim viciously.

"No! Please stop no, please Jack!" He screams and Tim just holds his waist saying it's just him.

"Baby! Baby baby, hey it's just Tim. It's just your Tim." He says over and over again, Hoping to get Dally to calm down. Dally soon calms down and tears fall from his eyes and he's shaking out of his skin. They lay back down onto the bed Tim wraps his arms around Dally from behind and Dally latches onto Tim's arm and puts his legs up to his chest. He's still shaking viciously.

"It's okay... It's alright My Prince. It'll be okay." Tim says kissing his head. Dally shakes and turns around in Tim's arms. Tim's heart breaks when he sees Tears still falling down Dallys face. He quickly wipes them away.

"It's alright My Prince. It's okay" he wraps his arms around him, putting on hand on his Upper back thigh (ALMOST on his ass) and pulls him closer. He runs his hands across Dallys back, and through his hair. "It's alright My Prince. It's just me baby boy. It's okay.. it's just Tim. Jack isn't here remember? He's in New Your and he ain't getting to ya" Tim says kissing Dallys lips. Dally whimpers and nods. He puts his head in Tim's chest and Tim wraps two, strong, protective arms around him. He shakes a little more but slowly calms down. He leans back and kisses Tim's lips.

"Hi." Tim says smiling down at his Prince.

"Hi." Dally giggles pulling himself impossibly closer. He puts his arms in front of him and puts them in Tim's embrace, and puts his head in as well. Tim looks down and kisses Dallys head and he breaths in the scent of Dallys hair.

"I love you My Prince." Tim speaks up almost asleep.

"I love you too Timmy... Thank you..." Dally says falling into unconsciousness.


I tried. This was fun to write, it's kinda sad. BTW, in my Outsiders universe, Dally had an abusive boyfriend in New York, who would hit him and stuff. So, I sometimes write with him screaming for Jack to stop when he wakes up from a nightmare.

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