Idk what to title this tbh.

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"Just. TALK to him." Pony says as he sits next to (basically on top of) an anxious looking Dallas Winston.

"You don't get it Pony! If I talk to him about this, he'll think im stupid, he'll think its Gross. For Christ sakes, imagine if your best friend came up to you and started saying 'Oh hey I think I love you and I have an urge to kiss you every time i see you and i wish we could be a thing even though I know your sister is homophobic'" Dallas says rolling his eyes and lighting a cig. Dallas Winston is in love with his best friend. You might be wondering who this best friend is... Well. Its Tim. Fucking. Shepard. Yes. THE Tim Shepard. Gang leader, criminal record longer than a mile. Yeah, Him.

Pony stares off in the distance, most likely imagining it.

"Oh god I'd die. I would die of freaking cuteness and that would be the best thing to ever happen to me..." He says looks up at Dallas and looking over at Curly who is smoking down the street.

"Oh, yeah..." Dallas says smirking.

"How about you tell YOURS huh? How about you go up to Curly over there, and tell him you like him?" Dallas says looking down at Pony.

"I... Good question..." Pony says slumping. Dallas laughs and looks back over to Curly.

"It's different for you man, you guys haven't known each other as long as Tim and i have, and you already know Tim's Bi..." Dallas says looking into space with a safe look on his face.

"I... I'll tell him for ya'" Pony speaks up. Dallas looks over at him and he stops. Is this the only way Tim will find out, is if some Curtis kid tells him? Yes. Yes it is the only way.

"Al-Alright." Dallas says. Pony gets up and starts running towards The Shepards place. Dallas gets up regretting his decision.
'What if he thinks im gross? Dambit what if he leaves me behind? What if he tells everyone that im just a fag? What will happen? Damnit I shouldn't have let him go!'
Dallas goes running in the opposite direction and goes to the Curtis house. He sits on the couch And holds his hwad in his hands. He's getting terrified.

"Damnit" he says out loud.

"Dally?" He heard a voice call and he looks up to see Darry standing there.

"Hey Darry..." He says kinda breathless and skaky.

"What's wrong Kid?" Darry says as he sits down next to him, seeing all the possible signs of "Anxious Dallas Winston".

"I'm... Alright.... so I've had this crush on Tim forever, and im bi bi the way, haha that's funny BI the way hah, well and he doesn't know and i want him to but im scared of him knowing, so Pony went off to tell him because I gave him the okay and now I'm scared because i might lose him completely if this goes wrong, what if he leaves me because he sees me as Disgusting?? What if I lose my best freaking friend all because I couldn't keep my feelings to myself??" He says this wish so much freaking speed that Darry takes a minute.

"First of all, I'm not surprised. Second of all, if he really leaves you behind just because of that, he ain't worth it." Darry says looking at Dallas. Dally sighs and smiles.

"Yeah, you're right..." He says looking down. He decides to go walk down to the lot and sit there while he thinks. Johnny isn't there, that's new but he thinks about how Johnny has a boyfriend who's a Soc... He's probably being pampered now. Thats good. Dallas sits down in the lot and lays back. He doesn't know how long he lays there vut he jumps awake because a cat had been licking him. He looks around and its pure dark outside.

"Damnit" he curses getting up and walking towards the Curtis's. He walks in the door to a bunch of people looking over at him.

"Uh, hi?" He asks and looks over to see Tim sitting in one of the many chairs Darry has had to buy. He freezes and gulps. He looks over at the rest of the gang

"We we're just worried about ya man, ya looked real scared when ya left, to Darry, so he was real worried that when ya left you could have done something..."
Two-Bit speaks up and looks up at Dallas. They get up and go to leave the house now that they don't have someone beinf gone to worry about. Soda and Pony are sleeping next to each other on the floor, Darry wakes them up and drags them upstairs.

Tim and Dally are the only ones left in the room. Dallas goes to sit on the couch and slumps in defeat. The whole point of running off to the Lot was to get away from Tim foe now. The push away the heartbreak that was sure to come.

Dallas can feel his breathing pick up and he starts biting at his nails agressivly. Tim looks up then and sees this.

"Damnit Dallas stop that." He gets up and walks over to Dallas to hold his hand away from his face. Dallas does something he hasn't done in a while. He whimpers. Tim's heart breaks.
He sits down next to Dallas and pulls him into a hug. Dallas scratches at his arm.

"No, Dallas. No Dally stop please. Stop man. Dal stop.. please." Tim says trying to get Dallas to stop scratching. He's seen what can happen if He just let's him continue doing it. Dally sometimes scratches so hard he bleeds and that Scares Tim.
Dallas stops but he looks like he wants to still do it.

"Dal... Look. My sister, she's a bitch. She isn't homophobic, she just... She was taught that things are supposed to be a certain way. I've been trying to teach her differently, but it doesn't work. She thinks that women are meant for men, and the same the other way, she thinks it's fine to be gay, she just wishes that her siblings wouldnt be that way because of all the discrimination in the world..." Tim says still holding Dally so he can't hurt himself.

"...Dally. I don't know how to feel at the moment. Because I've always seen myself as straight man, i have. But with you it's different. I know it is. I can feel something there, im just scared of going after it, because if we start dating, and i hurt you, I'll lose you." Dallas looks up at Tim with a confused look.

"Soooo....?" Dallas says trying to get him to answer the full blown question of whether or not they are gonna be a thing. Tim looks at Dally and thinks... Does he WANT to do this? Yes. Does he love Dallas Winston? Yes he believes so. Does Dallas love him back? Yes. Yes he does. So why the fuck not?

Tim leans down and kisses Dallas. Dallas is at first suprised to say the least, but soon he kisses back and wraps his arms around Tim's Neck. They kiss softly for a while and soon They had to break apart for air. Dallas looks up at Tim with puppy dog eyes and he's biting his lip. AGAIN. (You know that thing, that licking lip thing he does whete he licks his lup then bites it, yeah that.)

"So." Dallas laughs out.

"So." Tim laughs right back. Tim puts his hand on Dally cheek and goes in to kiss him again.

"Well i sure as hell know im not straight anymore" Tim says chuckling. Dallas erupts in laughter and puts his head on Tim's shoulder. Tim hugs Dallas and lays his head on top of Dallys.

"I want to try this Dallas. I... I think i love you..." Tim says when Dallas pulls away. Dally smiles and looks you at Tim.

"I love you too." Dally says. They both lay down onto the couch, with Dally laying himself on top of Tim. They fall asleep there, and when the gang al wakes up and gets there, they see the happy couple and they all look at each other. They knew this would come sooner or later.
Pony walks down stairs and smiles. He told Curly last night too. Hes happy with Curly now.
"YES!" He yells because his matchmaking worked.
And now two new couples are happy together....

But soon Pony isn't going to be happy because he has two angry hoods coming at him because he woke them up.

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I hope you liked this! The story itself is 1449 words!

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