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This is short and cute, have a good day! Mentions self harm briefly!

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*Dallas POV*
Its ACTUALLY a sunny today, wow that's new. I'm just having a really bad day... I basically got told to fuck off by all of my friends, even Johnny who was quiet and barley flipping spoke. I guess they didn't want to deal with my crappy mental health today. Understandable. I... I just need to be around someone right now. I don't trust myself to be alone to be completely honest. I never have. I either cause trouble, or I do something that harms myself. Darry saw the scars on my hand. He asked what they were, and I told him the truth, I had told him that I cut my hand on purpose... he started being more protective after that, checking my hand every once in a while, he think so stopped... Heh, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I find myself walking out to the field that Tim and I hang out in, oh if you didn't know Tim's my boyfriend, he's always there for me and I don't know what I'd do without him.

I walk up and sit down leaning against my favorite tree. I always sit out here. No one knows other than Tim because if they did, I'd be made fun of for being girly since it's in a fucking flower field. I sometimes draw when I'm here. I forgot to grab any of that from my house though so I just sat there looking at the field, and the sky. I see someone walking towards me and I smile realizing it's Tim.

"Hey babe" he says sitting next to me. I smile and wave slightly. I'm always quiet when I'm like this. He smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders. I lean my head down on his shoulder and sigh happily. I look in front of us and start picking flowers. Tim looks confused as usual when around me, I'm apparently a confusing person. Pony said it confused him when I did everything I do. I said it confused me when I looked at his face because I SUCK at comebacks when it comes to the Gang. I start making a flower crown and Tim starts rambling on about his day.

"I mean, how crappy can a guy be to hit his Partner? Huh? Like yeah, we get into fights, but I would never hit you, let alone if you were a girl. That just makes me pissed. I saw a guy punch his girl today, and it made me so mad... I just had to walk away. I could never imagine actually HITTING you, yeah we've pushed each other a bit during arguments, but just to think about you getting bruises from me makes me sad as fuck." He continues to ramble on and on and I can't help myself but smile at the fact that he thinks so strongly against hitting me. It makes me happy to know he cares.. I finish my flower crown and I put it on Tim's head while hes in the middle of saying a sentence and he just lifts his eyebrows and rolls his eyes.

"Come on, man this is gonna ruin my reputation" he says shaking his head with a small smile.

"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to.." I say looking down at my lap and messing with the fee lose strings on my pants.

"What! NO IM GOING TO WEAR THIS UNTIL THE FLOWERS DIE AND YOU CSNT SYOP ME!" he yells putting it farther on his head and crossing his arms. I laugh loudly. And kiss his lips. He kisses back smiling into the kiss. He puts his hands on my neck and pulls me closer so I'm straddling his hips. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi." He says I giggle. Yes. I fucking giggled. Big bad Dallas Winston fucking Giggled. And I am fine with that.

"Hi." I respond. I'm lucky I have him. Without him I probably wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be able to see the sunflowers bloom, or see the sky. I smile down at him. Yeah, this is perfect.

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This seems kinda bad tbh... But yeah. :)

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