OTP Questions!

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1.) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?

Tim is like... ALWAYS horny. Lol. Well, he's usually horny when he's around Dally, which... Is all the time because he's around Dally all the time lol.

2.) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?

Dally is always open to taking Showers together. (Never baths Tim and him always had this thing about gross it is laying in your own flith :/ ) Dally thinks a nice hot shower is really, relaxing, but Tim, he sees Dally naked and he thinks about how hot he is, and there the relaxation goes out the window XD

3.) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?

Tim walks around the house naked, and Dally has to tell him to at least cover up because Curly and Angela dont need to see that.

4.) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?

It's whoever messed up usually. But sometimes they even fight about who gets what, to the point they both sleep in the bed, just pissed off at each other. But usually it's Dally, because he just wants to get away, sometimes he even goes to the Curtis's to sleep on THEIR couch, that's when Tim knows he screwed up bad.

5.) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?

Tim would never admit it, but he has a few pictures of "Big, Bad Dally" Cuddling up to a pillow on the couch, because Dally had fallen asleep.

6.) Who said "I love you" first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with "Because I love you"?

Dally said it the first time ever, and He understood that Tim couldn't do it yet, about two weeks later they were screaming at each other for something, and Tim said it for the first time by saying "Because I Fucking Love you Goddamnit!"

7.) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?

They both do. Tim never wears them outside the house though. Dally does! He wears Tim's stuff out in the real world all the time.

8.) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had?

I think both of them usually have nightmares, but if They wake up from a good dream, they tell each other. Always. Because they need so positiveness in their life.

9.) Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?

Dally have more nightmares, sometimes he wakes up screaming. Dreams of New York... Tim never knows what they are about but he just scootches over and holds him, he doesn't sing but he does talk softly in his ear saying "Hey, it's alright you're safe" over and over again until Dally believes it and falls back asleep.

10.) Who is more likely to cheat?

Neither of them would, because they might be bad people, but they aren't that bad to break someone heart that way. But, Tim is more likely.

11.) Who starts the hand holding?

Surprising Tim. Sometimes he'll just grab Dallys hand and squeeze.

12.) Who grabs the others butt?

They both do. They can't leave each other alone. Tim usually does it, and in public too so he will get all flustered.

13.) Who slides their arm around their waist?

Dally slides his arm around Tim's waist, usually when Someone is flirting with Tim.

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