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Prompt- "I know the baggage in my trunk is ugly but you still choose to love me how could you love someone so damaged" (From a Rap. Damaged- By Bmike.)

Dally hates himself. He hates his body, his brain, basically every single aspect. He hates his eyes, and his hair, and his laugh, and his stomach. He hates it all. He doesn't understand how Tim Fucking Shepard could date a guy like him.

Tim and Dally have been dating for as long as Dally could remember. From the secret kisses under the bleachers to full in sex in the back of Tim's car. He always loved whatever happens because he Loves Tim. That's not a secret everyone knows at this point. From the kisses to groping everyone has seen them be together. They know.

Dally is sitting on the bed as Tim kisses at his neck. Tim usually gets him to moan pretty quickly with just a few kisses on his neck but tonight Dally seems hesitant and isn't enjoying it.

"What's wrong Babe?" Tim asks after he pulled back. He looks at Dallys face and can tell he doesn't want to do anything tonight. Dally just shrugs and kisses Tim's neck.

"I'm fine. We can do this baby." He says. Tim wants to moan but keeps it in because he KNOWS something is wrong with Dally ad he can tell he doesn't want to do anything. He takes Dallys hands off of his waist and into his lap.

"No baby... Something wrong, and I can tell you don't want to do this right now." Tim says looking Dally in the eyes. Dally smiles and nods. He has always loved bed Tim for that. For not pushing him. Tim smiles back at him and kisses Dallys lips softly, cupping his cheeks with he hands. Dally kisses back and leans into the touch. They lay back on the bed, Dally laying on Tim's arm and Tim slowly rubbing Dallys chest and stomach with his hand. They just look at eachother for a while.

"What's wrong baby?" Tim asks leaning down and kissing Dallys Forehead. Dally bites his lip, then looks down at the bed.

"I... You should leave me..." Dally says sadly. Tim looks at him confused and Surprised. "I mean... I'm a waste of space. I'm broken." Dally says trying not to cry. Tim shakes his head and Dally nods his.

"No. No none of that is true." Tim says pulling Dallys chin up and kissing his lips. Dally feels himself melting into the kiss while Tim's hands travel down to His hips to pull him closer.

"I... I know the baggage in my trunk is ugly" Dally starts saying while a few tears  fall down his face. Tim just stays silent letting him speak. "But you still choose to love me..." He continues sitting up tears still falling. "How could you love someone so damaged" he asks sobs breaking from his throat. Tim shakes his head cupping Dallys face in his hands. He wipes away Dallys tears just for them to fall down again.

"Baby... Hell, maybe you are broken. But I am too. You are the only one who has fallen apart. But you ARE going to be the one who makes it through it, and with my help. I love you because you're you. Because you are Dallas Winston the boy who didn't tell me his name for THREE FUCKING MONTHS. The boy who Teased me every day growing up. The boy who was taller than me for a year. The boy I protected through everything. You're mine. You're the BOY I love, and I don't care if you think some broad could be better than you, cuz it ain't true." Tim rants on lunch oking Dally straight in the eyes. Dally is silently crying now and he has the goofiest smile on his face ever.

"God I love you too." He says and hugs Tim tightly. Tim smiles down at him and hugs back. They lay back down from their sitting position and get comfortable.

"Yeah you're damaged. But so is everyone else, some more than others but we all have our cracks or bent pieces." Tim says kissing Dally afterwards passionately. Dally kisses him back and they fall asleep cuddled into each other, and them talking about how much they love each other.


This Sucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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