Chapter 1

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Moving across the country couldn't be that different could it? My name is Natalie Thompson and I just moved to Seattle from Virginia right after my 15 birthday with my mom, dad, baby sister Marie, and my older brother Nathan. My first day of school is supposed to be tomorrow and I'm really excited for it, but Seattle is so different from Virginia. It's so gloomy and quiet here. We spent the entire day today unpacking things and setting things up. I was busy trying to put my bed together when I heard the door bell ring. My mom answered it, only to find my friend Savanna with three large suitcases. Savanna was going to be staying with us for a bit while her dad goes over seas to do some work in the army. Right now Savanna and I where packing our bags for school. It was already late so Marie and my parents were in bed and Nathan was reading in the living room while listening to Paramore as far as I knew. Seattle doesn't seem so bad, but it's already raining.

"Are you excited?" Savanna asked.

"Not really."

"I heard that there's a lot of cafes and that it rains often."

"I don't know I just like Virginia more. I mean it rains there too, but there are beaches and hot boys and fun places to go and nice weather and stuff."

"And how do you know Seattle won't have that?"

"I just miss home already Savanna."

Nathan entered my room and sat down on my bed.

"Natalie stop being such a negative Nancy."

"Ugh, shut up Nathan."

He raised his hands as a signal of retreat and pulled me into a hug.

"Everything is going to be fine here ok? Who knows, maybe things will be different here." He said.

"Fine. Whatever." I said.

He gave me a hug again and hugged Savanna before he went back downstairs. Savanna's bed was on the opposite side of the room, but directly across from mine. Our room was basically in the attic. It was painted a dark grey and it had this window that poked out of the house with a small circular shaped one above it. Savanna put in a disc of Pretty Little Liars episodes and crawled under her covers. I lied down on my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin, watching the episode that was playing.

After a while, the episode finished and Savanna and I noticed that the rain had started to come down harder. Lightning flashed throughout the sky and thunder boomed along with it. We both fell asleep a few minutes later. I started having this weird dream, there were these boys and Savanna and I and we were in the back of this rusty red pick up truck in what looked like the woods. I couldn't stand up straight and everyone started to get out and I had this can of soda and I spilled it when I got out, and this one guy with dark hair grabbed me by my shoulders and said something and I whispered "I can't look at you in the same light." Lightning struck again and I jumped up in my bed. I grasped my covers with one hand and frantically searched for the light switch on a lamp with the other. I heard Marie start crying.

"Natalie can you and Savanna please check on Marie?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, of course we can."

I got out of my bed and woke Savanna up and then went into Marie's room with her trailing behind me.

"Savanna grab the baby bag from Marie's closet please." I said.

She rubbed her face and got Marie's baby bag and handed it to me. Marie smiled up at me and reached her hands out.

"Did you go to the bathroom?" I said, smiling.

I picked her up and checked her diaper.

"Bad dream, huh?" I asked.

She snuggled into me and started to fall asleep. I started to hum to her as she drifted off. I finally kissed her forehead and put her back inside of her crib.

Savanna and I went back into our room shortly after that. We both fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.


I woke up to my alarm going off and Savanna shaking me. I could tell that she was excited for our first day of school. I hugged her and got out of bed. I made my way downstairs and to the bathroom. I did everything I needed to do and even took an extra long shower before getting dressed and doing my hair. I did everything else that I needed to and grabbed my backpack before heading downstairs.

My family and I all sat down for breakfast and my mom made everyone pancakes. By the time everyone was finished, the bus was outside so Nathan, Savanna, and I put our dishes up and said goodbye.

"What are they doing in there?" Savanna asked.

"I don't know, but I hope it's not too loud in there." I said.

Nathan shrugged as he walked in front of us. The doors to the bus opened and we all got on. Nathan sat down in the front while Savanna and I looked for somewhere to sit. I pulled her to the back and sat on the inside of the seat. The driver closed the doors and began to drive. Soon enough we were at school and everyone piled out of the bus. Savanna and I were pushing through the crowd of people until we finally got to the parking lot. We continued walking until a red pick up truck drove past right in front of us. I stopped and gasped.

"Are you ok?" Savanna asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I was so shocked, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of people have rusty red pick up trucks and it was just a nightmare. Right?

For the rest of the day, it bugged me. My first day was good I guess. Nothing bad really happened and I kind of enjoy all of my classes. Finally, I got home and plopped down onto my bed. Savanna and I did our homework together while my parents cooked dinner, Marie slept, and my brother Nathan got ready for baseball practice. After that, everyone did what they needed to and we all sat down and had dinner together. Then we all decided to go to our rooms for the night. I fell asleep around 9 pm and had another weird dream again. I was in that pick up truck with a boy who had red spikey hair, but this time I was actually inside of the car and not in the trunk. We were driving down this really long road in what seemed to be the woods to this pretty little cabin. He grabbed my hand and as the truck got closer to the cabin I heard someone saying, "I can't look at you in the same light. Knowing what you did in my heart doesn't feel right." I woke up to see Savanna asleep, so I blew the lit candles out and went back to sleep.

Hi, so this is the first chapter and I would just like to say that the story will get better. I just want to get everything set up and ready and organized before things start to happen. So, thank you for reading this first chapter.

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