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After that incident, Felix bombarded him a handful of nonsense questions. Treating the person as if he's the scariest person in mankind.

"Don't you really know who that is!?" Felix asked.

"Lee Minho? He just said it Felix" Jisung while entering the SC office.

"Oh My gosh. You really don't know him don't you?" Freckled boy covered his mouth out of disbelief.

"Obviously, what do you expect with my Unsocial Ass??? But I know he's an asshole." jisung countered.

"Well lemme tell you, he's the school's bad boy! He got into riots and gang fights! he's a dangerous person. I've also heard that he fucks ladies at a club downtown!" Felix explained.

Jisung thought for a while, but any signs of fear or worry isn't evident in his face.
"I don't care if he beats me or makes my life a living a hell, it's not like that it isn't already one."

Felix shutted his mouth and sat at the couch and fetch his phone to play a  game.

"Woojin Hyung! I'm already here!" Jisung informed their SC president, Kim Woojin.

"Oh Sungie! Did you already have your breakfast? If not, I brought fried chicken from home! Mom said you'll like it!"  Woojin said as he offers the food.

"OmGEE Thank you Hyung!" Jisung hugged the older then grabs the food. He sat down besides felix and  offers the food. Instead of getting a piece, Felix hugs Jisung again, muttering a sorry.

"No issokay Jjiksue! It's my fault for being in bad mood. You're not the one to blame okay?"  Jisung as he offers the chicken to his friends mouth which gladly bit by the latter.

The rest of the SC officers came to the office. Kim Seungmin, the vice president, he's woojin's step brother. The council, Yang jeongin, Lee Chaeyeon,  Zhong Chenle, Kim Sunwoo, and Choi Tzuyu.

They greeted each other, and separated to attend their classes. Jeongin and Chenle walks for their Social Science class while talking in Dolphin language. Tzuyu and Chaeyeon, attend their history class talking about a dance covers they've watched. While sungwoo was fetched by his boyfriend, Eric.

Seungmin, Jisung, and Felix made their way to their Calculus Class, While Woojin was fetched by his suitor, Chan.

The morning period went smoothly, Jisung jatted down notes because he couldn't afford to fail in any class because he's planning to apply for scholarship to attend college.

11:15AM, the class was interrupted by a call from his phone. He looked at the Caller ID, it was his mom.

He looked at his teacher for permission, and Ms. Park Jihyo who's kind enough to allow him to answer the call. Besides, Ms. Park is his mom's best friend since high school.

He walked out of the class and answer the call there.

"Hello mom, what's the matter?" He answered with the softest voice.

"JiJi, Jisoo had an asthma attack, we went to the hospital and she's fine now."

"Oh, Is she really fine? I'll go there wait!"

"No jisung, we're heading home already, she's really fine. I'm just informing you that my money isn't enough to pay the fees so I borrowed money from your account, don't worry I'll pay for it, I'm sorry"

"No mom don't say that! It's really okay, besides I earned it for the both of you and for the times like this. Okay? don't worry about it. Just make sure you and jisoo are safe and healthy then I'll be more than fine."

"Oh god, I'm so lucky to have you, son!" Jisung can hear silent sobs from the other line 

"Don't cry now mom, You know I love the both of you I'll anything for the two of you. And I think I know how you can pay me... How about a nice, delicious dinner for tonight?"

"YES! Make sure to come home in one piece, I love you!"

"I love you too mom and say Hi to Jisoo for me"

"Will do, Bye!" Jisung heard a smooch sound before the call ends.

As he enter the room again, the bell rang. He received chuckles from his classmates and from Ms. Park which he reciprocated.

Despite the conversation and reason he had with his mother, Jisung was still sad and mad because his family suffers because of poverty. Jisung tries to stay positive, hoping to graduate soon to find a better job to support his family. He don't blame his father, really, but you can't blame jisung for forgetting that he was his father. Jisung simply shut down his father's existence with no resentment.

After he excused himself to his  friends, Seungmin and Felix already know what's going on so  they let jisung be.
Jisung went to the School's play ground which has an open field and one tree standing their lonely but confident and strong just like him.

He leaned his back to the trunk and closed his eyes and let the cool breeze to hit his face. Seconds after that, tears rolls like a beads on his soft cheeks. Soon enough he was sobbing silently.

After a while, he lifted his chin up to see the clear sky and faked a smile. Weird? No.
We just don't know the view from his position. Fuck toxic people and their toxic attitude.

After a while, he stood up and dusted the dirt on his butt and went to SC office to organize and fix some documents.

Little did he know, someone was observing him from a far.

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