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He walked towards the school like a zombie. Lazily dragging his feet, he reached the SC Office, his classes will start at 9am but he decided to go to school early to finish some documents and maybe sleep a little.

"Hey sungie, are you alright?" Woojin welcomed him with worried expression. "Is it the same reason?"

Jisung only nodded and slouch at the small couch. "This time she got confined"

"I hope she'll be fine, I'll sent some fruits for her okay?" Woojin said.

Jisung covered his eyes with his arm. Silently crying without being notice the other.

A knock interrupted the silence of the room, Woojin got confused because the other Council Members were currently on their class and other's we'll come later maybe at 8am.

He opened the door and revealed a brunette haired boy. Minho, with foods on his arm.

"Oh hey, what's your concern?" Woojin asked right away, not wanting to extend the time Minho being here.

Minho tiptoed to peak the insides, to look if Jisung was there.

"Is jisung here? I went to their home but he's not there." Minho asked while doing the same action.

"Yeah he's here, but he's not feeling well. You can talk to him later" With that being said, Minho barged in. Forcing Woojin to step aside. He saw jisung on the couch resting his head on one of the arm of the couch. He sprinted towards the boy, letting go of the food in hand.

He sat on the floor, equally leveled his eyes to Jisung's.

"Hey, are you alright?" Minho caressed the exposed cheek of jisung, he noticed the tears.

"M-minho??" Jisung asked as he sat straight, completely shookt of the other's presence. "Why are you here?"

"I went to your house and brought some foods for you and for your family but you're not there. What happened? Why did you cry?" Minho still carresing the other's cheek.

"I'll leave you two alone, okay? " Woojin walked out of the office and go somewhere who knows where.

"I'm just stressed but I'm fine really." Jisung said while standing and yawning, raising both of his arms. Revealing his soft yet toned tummy which was only inches away from minho's face. Minho gulped a thick amount of saliva and carefully pinched the hem of the shirt of the other and drag it down to cover his tummy.

"I know you're not" Minho stood up and sat at the larger couch. "Tell me about it"
while patted his lap for jisung to sit.

Jisung sighed and hesitantly sat on minho's lap. At minho's surprise, jisung sat on his lap facing him. So he reluctantly wrapped his arms to Jisung's waist, pulling him closer. Jisung rest his head on minho's shoulder.

"It's about my younger sister and some shit I'm about to face" Jisung started.

Jisung, the scary secretary that everyone feared or looked up to was now breaking down in front of the school's bad boy. Nice.

"Mhm." Minho hummed as he draw patterns on jisung back who's hugging his neck now while hiding his face on minho's neck.

The older starts to feel wetness on his neck.

"J-jisoo is sick and h-has an a-asthma, Earlier we sent her to the hospital and she was confined there, now i need to find a third part time job, to pay the fees in the hospital" jisung sniffs and cry at the older.

Minho can't help but to be upset of the world for letting a pure , beautiful boy to suffer like this.

"It'll be okay, jiji, I'll assure. I'm always here for you okay?" minho said.

"Thank you, minmin hyung" jisung said as he pulled away from the hug while wiping his tears.

Soon, sad face turns to smile as he cup the older's cheeks.

"It's funny how you're so soft to me" Jisung said teasing the other.

"Well you can't blame me, you're just so cute" minho said as he hugged the other again. Jisung moved closer as he hit the older's member.

"N-no jiji don't do that" minho pushed jisung away.

"Why??" the younger tilted his head and frowned "don't you like me anymore?"

"What?-NO!, it's just you're hitting my---" minho looked down at his bulge.

"OH MY GOSH! I'm sorry!!!" Jisung stood up and gave minho his personal space.

"You're so cute" minho laughed at the other's cuteness. Minho stood up and face the other side of the room and fixed the position of his member in his pants.

Geez I need to fix this, totally. minho thought.

"So how about we visit your sister after your work ,okay?" minho suggested.

"Okay, I'll meet you there" Jisung said as he check the time "oops, it's time for my first class. I'll go now" Jisung picked his bag and sprinted outside but stopped his tracks when he reached the door. He jerked his head back to minho and runs toward him.

Swiftly, he tiptoed and pecked the other's cheek. "Thank you minmin, See ya later"

With that ,he fled away leaving the other with flushed, tomato red, face.

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