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"I like you ,Mr. Secretary"

Jisung obviously blushed, with this, minho to smirked, but after a seconds of thinking, Jisung frowned.

"You don't mean that. Don't play with me."
Jisung stepped back.

"No,  I really like you." Minho saddened and looked at his feet. "Like really. A lot actually."

"Sure bruh. So why is there a girl in your lap earlier? and someone told me that you fucked every ladies at the club downtown." Jisung raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"No— that's one of the girls in the club who wants a hook up—she's really clingy"  Minho rapped his explanation. "I know I'm labeled as a bad boy and yes I've been into fights before, beats guys but I'm not and never was a Fuck boy."

That was true, Minho isn't a fuckboy, his mother tought him the importance of first times, first kiss, first sex and everything. First times are important and should be meaningful. Believe it or not but Minho is a complete virgin. Maybe he watches and jerks off over a porn but that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Same as Jisung who is candidate for the next Virgin mary.

"You don't have to answer now, I'll give you time. I'll wait, okay???" Minho said, more like pleading.

Jisung on the other hand, was confused and undergoing a self brainstorming.

Is he serious?

Badboy of the school? confessed to me?

Isn't this a little bit fast paced?

What if he is lying?

What if he's just trying to get me into his pants?

Well he's handsome and manly. A total boyfriend.

Oh my Gosh.

"Okay, lemme watch you try." Jisung answered absent-mindedly. He don't know why, but his heart was making boom boom over this bad boy.

"Really?! Thank you!!! I wont waste this chance" Minho said hopping a little.

Jisung smiled at the older "You better not, Lee."

They continued to walk until they reach Jisung's apartment. It's small but it's okay.

"We're here" Jisung stopped. "Thank you for walking me home"

"It's my pleasure, Jiji" Minho said "I can call you that ,right?" Minho said as he fidget his fingers. Which Jisung finds cute.

The younger chuckled "Yes, you can minho-ssi"

"Uhmm Jiji, c-can I g-get a h-hu—HUG?" Minho shyly asked.

Jisung laughed as he covered his mouth. "Earlier you just pulled me into your lap and now you're acting shy" Minho felt the heat crept to his face.

"You can" Jisung randomly said.

"What?" Minho tilted his head.

"Geez. Yes you can get a hug" Jisung wrapped his arms to Minho's neck and Minho hesitantly hugged back.


3am in the morning Jisung jolted up as he heard a loud thud from the kitchen which was next to his "room". He sprinted there and found his younger sister, Jisoo, lying. she's breathing heavily.

Jisung carries his sister and called his mom who started crying while calling the ambulance. They arrived at the hospital with their pyjamas but they don't care. Jisoo's life is more important.

She was treated and got stabilize during the process but needed to stay for observation for days.

This happens often, Jisoo, collapsing because of her weak body and asthma. Jisung works at the diner for their daily needs while the other part time job which on sundays and Saturdays at the municipal was for the instances like this. Organize right? Yeah.

6am his phone started to vibrate, meaning, he needs to prepare for school.
He sighed knowing that he can't skip school for he skipped a lot last week for the same reason.

"Mom" Jisung shook his mother's shoulder lightly. " I'll be preparing for school okay? Call me if something happens okay?" He kissed her mom goodbye and also kissed his sister's forehead and went home to prepare.

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