Chapter Thirteen

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I managed to keep myself from screaming my head off and stumbled back, eyeing the ghost.

The ghost was white with a blue outline and had gray pupils. He gripped the top of the gravestone and leaned forward.

"You know who I am," he said, his voice echoing, which gave me the chills. "I am him. I have been watching you for a while now and pleased to say that you have been chosen."

"M-me? C-chosen?" I stuttered. My body was shaking all over, and I could not help it.

He instantly disappeared, which frightened me even more.

Where was he? What did he want with me? And why?

"Dejah!" I called for my best friend and realized that she was nowhere near me, so I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted at the top of my lungs. "Dejah! Where are you?! Dejah!"

There was no response. The only sound that broke the silence was the wind that brushed against the trees nearby and grass.

I no longer felt safe standing all by myself in the graveyard and had the urge to run. But I could not. I could not leave Dejah. I would be a jerk if I did that and needed to find her. But I did not even move from my spot and begin my search.

I felt a hand - a cold hand - gently gripping my wrist. The fingers wrapped around my warm flesh and...felt light.

Whoever had a hold on me spun me around...

...and I gasped when I faced the ghost.

He was holding my wrist and tightened his grip. A smile spread across his face, showing off his ghostly teeth.

"I am glad that you came. Relieved," he whispered in my ear, making goosebumps appear on my skin. "You are mine now."

"No!" I protested, trying to break free. "Leave me alone!"

"You belong to me. I will finally be at peace once I kill you."

"Please! No!"

"You will be like me. It will be fun."

I clenched my teeth. "Let me go!"

"See that grave over there?" He pointed to the gravestone that he had stood behind. "That is my grave. That is where my body is buried."

"Please! Just let me go! I need to search for my friend!"

"Who needs her when you have me? I will make you happy. First, I need to make your grave."

I shut my eyes. "No, no, no! Nooooooooo!"


I overheard my name and opened my eyes. I was breathing heavily and realized that the ghost was no longer by me.

Dejah was.

She had a hold on my wrist and was both confused and concerned.

"Eleanor?" she repeated my name. "What is the matter? You look as if you have seen a ghost."

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