Chapter Fourteen

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Dejah and I had started attending our new school the next day. Our dads wanted us to go to school as soon as possible so that we would not be behind any more than we already were, seeing that we had moved during the middle of the semester, and enrolled us the night before.

Dejah and I enjoyed being at Saint Michael's Achievement Classes. Even though that the school was big and had lots of rooms, our classes were easy to find.

Each of the students, including me and my friend, have seven classes. And the two of us were in all of the same classes!

However...the schedule was weird. Weirder than the ghost whom I encountered yesterday.

The school starts at nine o'clock and ends at one o'clock, and there is no lunchroom. Probably because they do not do lunch here.

And our classes...the classes were not normal either. There was no math or science or what is supposedly educational.

Here is my schedule:

"9:00 a.m. - Fictional History
10:00 a.m. - Forlot History
11:00 a.m. - Fanfiction Class
11:30 a.m. - Fanfiction Writing
12:00 p.m. - Fiction Writing Class
12:30 p.m. - Fiction Writing
1:00 p.m. - Dismissal."

"Jeez. Is your schedule as weird as mine?" I asked Dejah.

"It is exactly the same," she stated, comparing our schedules. "And no lunch? Hmm..."

I stared at the names of our classes. "What is up with these class names? What is a fanfiction? And why are we learning fictional things?"

She shrugged. "Beats me. We will just have to attend the classes and find out."

The first day of our new school was...strange. Not bad. Just bizarre. We just learned the histories of fiction and this town and wrote a ton. Though, the best part was no homework! This school has a rule against homework and does not allow it.

Leaving two hours early and not having homework? This rocks!

It was now time to go home, and Dejah and I were in our lockers and packing up. Our lockers were next to each other, which we liked.

We were on our knees and stuffing the last of our supplies in our backpacks.

"Man, those classes were way weird," I said as I shoved in my pencil case.

"I think that the classes are fun and interesting," Dejah remarked. "And there is no homework!"

"Yep. That is a plus."

We got back on our feet and closed the locker doors. Then we picked up our backpacks and swung them over our shoulders. My best friend was holding onto her legend book as we walked side by side and towards the front door.


A girl around my age ran up to the door that led to the outside world and held out her arms. She was blocking our way.

"Excuse me," I said when Dejah and I came to a halt. "Could you please get out of our way?"

She shook her head and crossed her arms. "Look at this 'wonderful' scenery. Two girls who are different skin colors and have different religions."

I frowned. By what she stated and how she stated it, I knew that she was trouble. "Go away. We are not bothering you. We are minding our own businesses."

She glared at me. "You know, everybody is already talking about you, especially the boys. How pretty you are. How attractive you make yourself be. You are now the most popular girl in school."

"I do not care. And does that bother you? Are you jealous?"

She ignored my questions and tossed her hair back. "I am Layla Lakes, and you had better not mess with me."

Layla had blonde hair that was tied back in a ponytail and was wearing all blue. Blue shoes. Dark blue pants. A blue, long-sleeved shirt.

Layla pointed at Dejah. "What are you even wearing? Something that the fashion police recalled?"

"It is a hijab," I defended my friend. "You should try doing some research some time."

"You two are useless. Absolutely useless."

I noticed Dejah tearing up and was about to say something, but somebody else beat me to it.

"Leave the new girls alone, Layla."

A boy who was as tall as her strolled over to her and had his hands in the pockets of his pants. He had short, black hair and wore all black. Black boots. Black pants with a chain hanging out of one of the pockets. A black, long-sleeved shirt.

He seemed like a bad boy, I admit, and grasped Layla's arm. "Go away."

Layla cried out as he shoved her hard and away from the door. She whimpered and rubbed the side of her arm. "You all...are jerks!" With that, she ran off.

The boy opened the door for us. "Ladies are always first."

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. "T-thank you," I stammered as Dejah and I walked past him and to the outside world.

He closed the door behind him and hurried up to us.

"Hello," he greeted. "I am James. James Seth. And you must be the new students. Eleanor and Dejah."

"How did you know that?" Dejah asked.

"The principal and teachers told all the students." He ran a hand through his hair. " you like this school so far?"

"A little bit," I said. "Bizarre classes."

"These classes are way better than the classes that you are required to take around the world."

I let out a giggle. "Y-yeah. Better."

"You two might even enjoy the dance."

Dejah put her hands on her hips. "Dance? What dance?"

"The dance that takes place at the school next Saturday. It will be in the auditorium and start at seven o'clock."

My eyes softened. "I do not think so..."

"Why not?"

"I am not interested in dances."

"Me neither," Dejah agreed.

"Oh. Well, just think about it. It will be fun. Who knows? I might ask you out, Eleanor."

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