Chapter Twenty-Four

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I had never breathed so hard in my whole life. I could feel my hair standing straight up when I revealed the blood.

"" I choked out.

Wondering if it was real, I reached down and rested a trembling hand on my mattress, my palm making contact with the blood.

I then pulled my hand away and raised my palm to my face. Wet and sticky blood covered the palm and fingers. The blood was fresh.

Every muscle in my body began aching as I questioned some things. Things that were disturbing to think of.

Was this Jennifer's blood? Her warm and messy blood? And had I been lying in it throughout that night? Or more?

" is you," I forced myself to talk. "You are that girl. Jennifer Cross. You were murdered by Chad Pals." I teared up, for I felt terrible that she died in such a horrific way. "I am awfully sorry. Sorry that psychopath took your life. You had so much to live for."

I looked back at the ghost whom I knew now was Jennifer. She had moved away from the corner. Her ghostly body was facing me, and her head was still down.

Poor girl. I desired to hug her and comfort her. Yeah, I knew that she was a ghost, but she was such a good person before she was killed.

"You did not deserve to die this way," I continued. "I also know that my house used to be your house. This is the place where you were brutally murdered."

She raised her ghostly head and stared right at me. Her eyes were pure white. No pupils. "I...haunt this house..." she said. "...and will continue to do so until I get justice for my death."

"I can help you," I suggested. "If it means that you will stop haunting my house and go in peace."

"How...can you help me?"

"Honestly...I do not know. But I would not feel good if I did not assist you in some way."

"You...are a good person."

"I try to be." I scrambled out of bed and just realized that she was hovering an inch above the ground. "So you obviously want payback for what Chad did."

"Absolutely. I want that bas—"

I cut her off. "No cuss words. Please? Our writer does not tolerate cussing."

She sighed heavily. "I want that crub to pay. I want him to die."

"Uh, I hate to break it to ya, but...he is already dead. He is a ghost. Trust me. I saw him when a friend of mine and I were in the graveyard."

She crossed her ghostly arms. "I may be a ghost now, but I am not stupid. I know that he is a ghost."

"Then do you know that he threatened to murder me because he wants me to be his bride?"

"All the way. He is obsessed with you now. Not me."

"But why? Why is he after me and stopped obsessing over you? No offense."

"None taken. Besides, it is illegal in Forlot to be easily offended." She narrowed her ghostly eyebrows. "He is no longer after me because I am too strong for him. Now that I am a ghost, I have powers that can take him down in a matter of seconds. And the reason that he is after you is because you remind him of me."

" have blond hair. I have brown hair."

"But you were the most popular girl in your old school. Heck, you are the most popular girl in your new school. Just like I was. You are a true Christian. Just like I was. I still am. You are also a loving and caring person. Just like I was. And most importantly, you have the cursed dress."


"You bought it when you and your friend were shopping in the clothing store. Remember?"

"Are you referring to...the red dress?"

"Yes. Do you know why it is cursed?"

"No. Tell me."

"It is the same dress that Gloria and Gabby, otherwise known as the girls who hate me with a passion, purchased together and fought over it their entire lives. They both have a crush on Chad and decided to buy the red dress. Unfortunately, only one of them could wear it at a time, and the sisters did not want to share the dress. They did not want to share Chad either."

"So...they want the dress?" I guessed.

"Very much. They died from too much fighting and are still fighting over who gets to wear the dress."

"So...should I give them the dress?"

"That will not help. They also want to kill you because Chad has a thing for you. They want Chad for themselves."

"What should we do then?"

"The first thing that you should do..." She pointed at my closet that somehow was open wide. "...retrieve the red dress."

I gasped. "W-why is my closet open?"

"Gloria and Gabby snuck in here while you were awake and stole the dress. You need to get it back."


I then heard yelling and cries from downstairs. Without saying another word to Jennifer's ghost, I dashed out of my room and down the stairs.

The shouts were coming from the kitchen.

I hurried in - and could not believe what I was witnessing.

My sisters. Elena and Elaine. They were arguing.

They had never argued with each other before!

"What the heck is going on here?!" I cried.

Forlot: The Dress That Was Once Hers - Book Six {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now