Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Eleanor? Eleanor."

"...hmm?" My eyes opened, and I stared at my own dad, who was staring back at me. He was sitting in a chair and rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"She is awake," Dad said, pushing up his glasses.

I looked around and came to the conclusion that I was in our house. In the living room. And Dad was not the only person in the room. Elena and Elaine were standing in the doorway that separated this room and the kitchen. I could not help but sigh at the sight of my sisters that were once so sweet slapping each other.

What was their problem?

I was lying on the couch, my hands resting on my stomach that was going up and down, and saw that someone was sitting next to me.

It was none other than James.

He was smiling sweetly at me. "Ah. You have finally woken from your slumber, my dear," he said softly, patting the top of one of my knees. "You were asleep for quite a while."

Quite a while? Well, my insomnia was going to catch up to me sooner or later.

Wait a minute. If I had been sleeping for "quite a while," then...was everything that occurred this morning...all just a dream? Chad kidnapping me and driving me into the lake? The cave? The cross? Caleb and Calvin and Tamara?

That cross necklace?

"I am so relieved that we found you when we did," my dad commented.

Found me?

"Dad..." I choked out. "What do you mean...that you found me? Near...near a lake?"

"Actually, you were in our car, and the car was in the lake. And James was the one who found you."

"Really?" I slowly sat up, realizing that my body was not hurting at all, and glared at James. "You...saved me?"

My friend nodded. "It is a miracle that I happened to find you. You see, I was taking a walk. I always take a walk through the woods every morning. I need to stay active. Anyway, I was minding my own business when I passed the lake and decided to take a look. I am glad that I did because I spotted the car that was already underwater and realized immediately that it was your father's car. I called his number—"

"Hold up. How do you have my dad's number?"

"I gave him the number the day that he was over for dinner," Dad explained. "I am just so relieved that I did."

"After I called him, I got in touch with the hospital," James continued. "There are no police officers or firefighters in Forlot, so it was the closest thing that I could call for emergency. I did not even know that you were in there, and my first thought was about you. I did not want to lose you."

I blushed a little at that last part. The fact that he did not want to lose me.

How sweet!

"I tossed my phone to the ground and jumped into the lake."

And he is heroic? Oh, wow!

"I am not a good swimmer, but I did not care. My only concern was you. So I swam to the car and peered inside. You were the only one inside and knocked out because I tried to wake you up. Pounding on the glass of your window. Yelling. Screaming for you. But you would not awaken. So I took immediate action and broke the glass with my fist."

Dang. He is stronger than me! I could not smash the glass with my fist!

"Then I pulled you out of the car and swam back up to the surface with you in my arms."

What a love story!

"I set you on the ground and did CPR. I got you breathing again, but you would still not wake up."

"I arrived soon after, and so did the ambulance," Dad finished the story for James. "I informed the people who came from the hospital that I am a doctor and did some examinations. You were thankfully alright, and I took off my lab coat and wrapped you in it."

"And you brought me here. Home," I guessed the ending. If I am okay, my dad will just take me home and care for me there.

"You guessed right!" He smiled and ruffled my hair. "My wonderful lady."

"Hey!" I let out a giggle and covered my hair.

James hugged me. "I know that this is a bad time to ask you, but..."

I hugged him back. "Yes." I pulled away. "I will be your date for the dance."

"R-really?" He was beginning to blush. "How did you know that I was going to ask you that?"

I shrugged. "A hunch."

"You? Going out with James? Ew!" Elaine exclaimed in disgust. She slapped her sister's arm.

"Ow!" Elena shrieked. "You did that on purpose!" She slapped her back.


"Girls! That is enough!" Dad snapped, facing them. "Go to your room! Now!"

"Make us!" Elena screamed. Then she and Elaine looked at me...and started laughing.

They laughed and laughed and laughed. And they were not their sweet, cheerful laughs. The laughs...they sounded creepy. Wicked. Laughs that should not come from two young girls with kindred spirits.

After what felt like an eternity of horrific laughing, the girls stopped and scurried off.

Something was off. Very off.

"Dad. James. I will be right back," I said. I got off the couch and started heading to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" James asked.

"To...figure out something."

"You should rest," Dad insisted.

"I will. I just do this."

I went into the kitchen and up the stairs. I walked down the hall and entered Elena and Elaine's bedroom. They were jumping up and down on their beds, and I spotted something that was on the floor and between their beds.

The red dress.

"Gloria. Gabby," I whispered.

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