Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Um, Edna?" My eyes darted to the blade. The blade's handle was black, and the end was sharp. Very sharp. It trembled in my hand.

"Yes? Is something the matter?"

I darted my eyes back up at her. "I am not trying to sound selfish or anything, I have to do this on Saturday?"

"Absolutely. Preferably on Saturday night and before midnight. Between seven o'clock and nine o'clock. Why do you ask?"

"It is just that...I was planning on going to a dance that my school is having. A boy asked me to go, and I accepted, so I have a date."

"Hmm..." She rubbed her chin. "...I see. Though, you still need to do the deed."


"You can still go to the dance after you place the blade in Chad's grave, can you not? You can do it at seven o'clock and still be on time for the dance and have fun! You will not have to worry about the ghosts anymore."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

" date will be picking me up right at seven o'clock. At my house. How will I explain it to him as to what I am supposed to do? He will never believe me!"

Edna's eyes softened, and she placed a hand on my shoulder. "If he truly loves you, then he will not think that you are crazy and believe every word that you tell him. Trust me on that. I had the same thoughts before I married. Before my man believed me."

I did not know exactly what to do or how to do it. However, there was one thing that I was sure about, and it was what Edna explained to me.

The old woman was right. If James really liked me, then he would accept me for who I am. And after all the crub that I had been through with the ghosts, he had better believe me! If he did not, I would...I would...

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I glanced back at the blade and noticed that my thumb was covering something shiny that was on the blade. I lifted up my thumb and realized that it was a blue stone. Wedged in the handle. But it looked as if it belonged there.

The stone was pretty.

I clenched the handle and glanced back up at Edna. She was smiling.

"Promise me that you will end Chad's domain on this world," the old lady begged. "Promise me that you will end my granddaughter's suffering."

Without thinking, I hugged her. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "I promise that justice will be served. And I know that you did not give me the cursed dress on purpose."

"Child, when the light of the moon shines down on the graveyard - and it will only do that on Saturday night - do it. Do the deed."

And so I did.

It was now Saturday. Saturday night. The night that Jennifer would receive peace.

Because we exchanged phone numbers the night before, I had called James and informed him that I was heading to the graveyard and that he could meet me there if he wanted to. He said that he would, and I added that I would not be wearing the red dress because of...certain reasons.

"Aw. That is a shame," James said. "What about if you wear that white dress? The one with the pink flowers?"

I thought that was a great suggestion and wore the white dress with the pink flowers. It was one of the dresses that my dad bought for me right before we moved. It was also my favorite.

I had left the house five minutes before seven o'clock and made my way across the street and to the graveyard. Elena and Elaine desperately wanted to come, but I insisted that I should do this on my own.

Strangely enough, I had encountered no ghosts after my sisters and I left Edna. No Chad. No Gloria and Gabby. No Jennifer. Not worrying about ghosts stalking and trying to kill you is one of the best feelings in the world, let me tell ya!

But the job still needed to be done. It was the least that I could do for Jennifer.

I reached the graveyard, holding onto the blade, and began searching for Chad's grave. Edna also mentioned that I did not have to worry about Gloria and Gabby anymore if the red dress was truly gone.

I breathed heavily as I stumbled upon a grave.

Chad's grave.

"Goodbye, Chad," I muttered. "Forever."

Without any hesitation, I raised the blade and pierced the sharp end into his grave. I dug it deep. Deeper. Until it was standing upside down all by itself.

"Phew!" I wiped sweat off my forehead. "That was easier than I thought that it was going to be."


I spun around and spotted James walking over to me. He had a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Uh...I-I..." I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.

He casually walked to Chad's grave and stared at the blade that was now being held by the dirt. He stared at it for at least a minute, and then looked at me.

"I see that you are wearing the cursed dress," he stated.

I blushed and giggled nervously. "This is not the cursed dress. The red one was. You know? The one that I showed you." I then stopped giggling and asked, "How did you know about the cursed dress? I never told you."

"No. You never did. But Chad did. So did Gloria and Gabby. And so did Jennifer."

I was a bit shocked by his answer. "O-oh. Uh..."

"They tricked you. The red dress is not the cursed dress. The white dress with the pink flowers - the one that you are wearing now - is cursed."

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