Chapter Eighteen

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The weekend was over in a flash, but my best friend and I did not mind. We were already taking a liking to our new school and excited to learn more, like how to write a chilling story or how fanfiction changes the lives of real worlders every day.

My friend and I, of course, were in our Fiction Writing class, our last subject of the day. Like Fanfiction Writing class, Fiction Writing class seems like a free hour. You can write whatever you desire, and our teacher even allows us to talk quietly with our classmates while we do our assignments. The only difference between a free hour and this class is that we are required to write as much as we can, about a paragraph or more, and the assignments are always due when the bell rings for dismissal, whether you are done with your work or not.

The assignment today was to write a short story about a ghost who stalks you, the writer. It was written on the whiteboard, and I read it over and over, about five times. My desk is in the back of the small classroom, and I shivered.

Does it make sense that I was uncomfortable doing this type of writing?

Dejah had scooted her desk over to mine and was writing extremely fast. She apparently knew what to write. I just sighed and stared sadly at my blank paper, tapping the sharp end of my pencil with it.

"Five more minutes before school is released," the teacher reminded us, sitting at her desk and reading a book. "Remember that I give you all tomorrow a chance to finish and edit it before you hand it in."

Dejah noticed that my paper had no words on it, with the exception of my first and last names and the date. "Eleanor, you had no trouble writing an excellent story last time. Are you on writer's block or something?"

I leaned back in my chair and rested my chin in my hand. "I...I cannot do this assignment."

"Why not? You do not know what to write exactly?"

I hesitated before saying, " is not that."

"Then what is it?"

"The bothers me."

She glanced up at the board, and then back at me, and I did not have to connect the dots for her, for she connected them herself. "Still worked up about the ghosts?"

"Very. I could not sleep the last two nights because I was concerned that Gloria and Gabby and possibly Chad would return and cause more trouble for me."

"If it bothers you, then do not do the writing."

"But I have to. The teacher will give me an F if I refuse."

"Tell her what you are going through."

I gave her a "Are you nuts?" kind of glare. "Sure. Why did I not think of that? I should tell our teacher that I have been stalked by three ghosts, and that is why I am unable to do this type of story."

I was being sarcastic in case that was not clear enough.

School was finished for the day. I decided to try to work on the assignment at home, but I was sure that not one word would be on that paper by tomorrow afternoon.

Dejah and I hurried to our lockers.

At least...that is what I thought at first.

I reached my locker and looked behind me. My friend was not there.

Where could she have gone?

I decided to pack up while waiting. I stuffed my writing tools and notebooks into my backpack and shut my locker door. I stood back up and grasped one of the straps, letting my backpack dangle.

Dejah had not yet returned.

I kept standing by the lockers and waited. And waited. And waited. It seemed like an eternity, even though that it had only been six minutes.

I then heard my phone vibrating and unzipped my backpack. I took it out and zipped my bag back up. I squinted at the screen.

It was Dejah. Dejah was calling me.

I answered the call and brought the phone up to my ear. "Hello? Dejah?"

"Hey, Eleanor."

"Where are you? I thought that you were following me to the lockers."

"Yeah, sorry. About that...I have a question for one of our teachers and am waiting for him to get done talking with a student."

"Oh. Okay. I am waiting for you by our lockers."

"There is no need to wait for me."

"What? Why not?"

"I forgot to tell you that my parents are picking me up and taking me somewhere. It is an Aspacticle thing."

"Oh...alright. I completely understand."

"We can chat later tonight if you want."

"Sure. I am a very patient person."

We said our goodbyes, and I hung up...

...and nearly leaped out of my shoes when I noticed that James was in front of me.

"Hi, Eleanor," he said, smiling.

"James." I quickly shoved my phone back in my bag and could feel myself blushing. "H-how long have you been standing there?"

"Not long enough." His hands were hiding behind his back, and he pulled them out to show me that he was holding something.

A puppet. My puppet.

"Where did you get that?" I demanded.

He shrugged. "I found it in my locker. I am assuming that it belongs to you..." He shoved a hand into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a small piece of paper. "...because this note was on it." He handed it to me.

I took the note and read it. My body shook as I put the words together.

"Stay away from my Eleanor! She is mine!"

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