Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"No!" I shrieked. "You are lying!"

"For once in my life, I am not lying," James stated. He threw the blade, and the blade flew across and landed on the other side of the graveyard, which was a long way. "Chad and Jennifer can vow for me."

"I do not believe you! You did not kill Jennifer! Chad did! She would never want that!"

He growled and clenched his hands into tight fists. "You do not know what my girlfriend desires! Only I know what she needs!"

"She did not deserve to die!"

He stomped up and roughly poked a finger at my chest. "You are wrong. I am right, and I can prove it."

I spit in his face, and he let out a yelp. "Go suck an egg, James! Go suck an egg! I cannot believe that I had a crush on a monster!"

James wiped my spit off and gave me a blank expression. "Are you seriously trying to tick me off? 'Cause my patience is growing thin. And to think, I was thankful that Chad found you. He really likes you."

"I hate him! I hate you and him! You two are nothing but psychopaths!"

"What did you call my boyfriend?"

That did not come from James. Or from Gloria or Gabby. As a matter of fact, I recognized the voice almost instantly.

James backed away from me until he was back to standing next to Chad's grave, and bunches of white and blue swirls swarmed in front of me. Gloria and Gabby loosened their grips on me and watched the swirls intently.

"Chad," they said in unison. "Awesome and loving Chad."

Then the swirls formed into two people. Two ghosts.

Was one of those ghosts Chad?

The swirls soon disappeared, and there were Jennifer and Chad. Chad had a wide smile plastered on his ghostly face, while Jennifer had a mean look on hers.

"Jennifer!" I cried. "Thank gosh that you are here."

She did not say a word and kept looking at me.

Was she...mad at me?

"Aw. I am heartbroken," Chad said. He ran a ghostly hand through his ghostly hair. "Are you not happy to see me? Your groom who will be with you for all eternity?"

I gave him a look that was possible of killing any ghost. "I am never happy to see you. You psycho!" I stuck out my tongue.

"Oh!" He took a couple of steps back and chuckled. "That is what I like in a girl. The fury. And feisty." Before I could hide my tongue back in my mouth, he grabbed my tongue with his cold - cold! - hand. "Maybe I should rip your tongue out to show you that dying is not the worst thing in the world. To show you that being a ghost is fun!"

"Believe me, Eleanor," Jennifer explained. "I have been dead and with Chad for five years. I do not regret my decision to die and to be with Chad until he was with his true love, and now, he will finally be united with his bride."

I was very confused at what Jennifer explained to me. It was as if my brain had stopped working, which I hoped not!

Chad finally let go of my tongue, and I quickly slipped my tongue back into my mouth and moved it around, warming it up.

"Jennifer. What are you saying?" I demanded.

She giggled. "I cannot believe that you were so stupid to believe our lies."

"W-what?" My legs shook.

"Actually, everything that I told you was not lies. There were some parts that are true. Like the dress that my dearest friends Gloria and Gabby fought over."

Friends? Gloria and Gabby? She told me that they were her enemies!

I kept my eyes locked on her. "But...James said that the one that I am wearing right now was the cursed dress. Not the red dress."

"He is right." She giggled again. "I lied to you about that. When your father bought you some new dresses the day before you and your family moved, Chad started haunting the place and frightening you, and that was because you had the white dress with the pink flowers all along." gosh. It all made sense now. Chad hid in Elena and Elaine's closet! Chad scared me and my sisters!
"Was it a human?" I asked.

Elena shook her head and whimpered. " was a ghost."

I raised an eyebrow. "A ghost?"

"Yes! The ghost was peering its head out of the closet and staring at me and Elaine. When Elaine had left to fetch you, the ghost came out of the closet and...and..."

"What did this alleged ghost do?"

"...walked out of the room."

I sat on the edge of her bed and patted the top of her head. "Are you sure that it was not a human?"

"I am sure of it, Eleanor! It was a boy ghost. He was blue and white. I could see through him! And he floated out of our closet!"
The idiot!

"And you want to know the best part about all this?" Jennifer asked me.

"That you tricked me, and Chad can now make me his bride?!"

"Even better! My best friend has no clue that I wanted to die! I cannot wait until I turn back into a human being again and return to my normal life!"


Jennifer spun around, and a gasp escaped from her throat. "Layla."

Layla Lakes was in the graveyard with us and holding a flashlight that was not even on.

"Layla. What are you doing here?"

"I...I am here to grieve," Layla spoke. "For you, Jennifer. My best friend."

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