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"And this is an ear piece which is self explanatory" Hobi chuckles, holding the small device between his fingers.

He had been showing you all of his creations and has been teaching you how to do his job.

It was exciting, it made your stomach bubble with anxiousness and adrenaline, making your heart be fast and your blood pump faster.

It's almost like a 'behind the scenes' type of deal which is cool and interesting to you.

"Last but not least, this is actually not a device of any sort" He pauses and holds up a jar of goopy stuff.

"This my beautiful friend is Anilex; made it myself. It's never been used in a break in or anything, it's new and ready to be used" The male gives you a small smile as you examine the small container.

"What does it do?" You ask, knitting your eyebrows as you grow more curious.

"Well, it's sort of like a drug but that's not the most illegal thing about it" He chuckles softly. "It makes you have major hallucinations and it basically plays out a whole scene infront of your eyes, yet it's not even close to what's happening in real life" Hoseok finishes.

Your eyes grow wide

Sick, radical af, man
You think

"How long does it take to where off?"

"About 20 minutes which is more than enough time for us to steal what we want and get the fuck out" The elder explains, running a hand through his black locks.

"Can they hear what's going on around them?!"

"Well of course, Y/n, I'm not fucking Albert Einstein"

"Well I would hope not, I didn't think you liked to be top" You say with a chuckle.

"Hello, angel, long time no see" Yoongi hums, hugging you.

You set your hands on it chest as you stare into his beautiful eyes and you smile.

The blonde leans down and kisses you softly before leaning away. "How's working with HoeSuck?".

"Be nice baby, he's your friend. And it's going pretty good. He taught me the basics not too long ago" You mumble and lean on his chest.

Yoongi plants a gentle kiss on your head, his lips lingering there for a couple of seconds.

"I wish you were with me". He leans close to your ear, giving you chills on your neck.

"Because you and I would make everyone jealous babygirl. Just you and I together, Bonnie and Clyde"
"Okay whores, here's the plan. We need some monitoring at Y/n's house because we can't be caught" Taehyung says before winking at you with a smile.

"So here's what I'm thinking, Hoseok and Y/n will get inside the house and place cameras and microphones in every room, including the bathroom, you'd be surprised to see how many secretive things go on in there" The mafia orders, everyone nodding.

"Yoongi I need you to be on patrol while Jungkook and Namjoon stay in the van and watch what will be displayed on the security cameras, any questions?".

"No sir"

Except you raise your hand

"Yes, princess?" The dirty blonde asks.

"How will Hoseok and I get in? Breaking the window is too loud" You mumble.

"Good question yet I have a better answer as always. Hoseok made this speacial sharp tool that cuts into glass easily without it shattering. You all will be able to cut into the window glass, climb in and set up everything"

You nod and smile. "When are we planning on doing this?"

"Tonight at 2 am, be ready, love, it's gonna get crazy"
You sneak into the window after Hoseok had cut into the glass with the small pointed sliver of metal.

"I'll hit my room, my mom and dads bedroom, Hui's room and the bathroom. You can get the kitchen, the living room and the basement, got it?" You instruct in a whisper, getting a small nod from the other.

You take several of the cameras and Microphones and sneak them in many different places, Hoseok doing the same.

Everything was going fine until you reached your bathroom. You were putting a camera behind a vase when your mom walked in with a surprised, yet groggy facial expression.

You snatched your hand back quickly, leaving the camera behind but the vase shattered all over the floor with water everywhere.

"Y/n?!" Your mom speaks, reaching out for you put you go over to the window above the bath tub and climb rapidly.

Your mother begins to come over and get you but sadly slips on the water from the vase.

It all had looked like slow motion.

Her feet giving out under her, her hands reaching out for something to grasp and lastly...

Her head smashing into the edge of the bath tub.

You let out a gasp as your ears were ringing with Namjoon and Jungkooks voices.

They heard the thump from your mic and were on the other side asking about what happened frantically.

Yet, all you could do was open your mouth with nothing coming out, your voice caught in your throat, your breath even shallow.

You look down at your poor mother with blood spilling out of her wound and onto the white tiles of the bathroom.

"Y/n! Talk to us! What happened?!" Jungkook exclaims. "I-I" You struggle  to find words, your mind as blank as a canvas.

Suddenly your brother walks in, his eyes widening. "Y-Y/n...did you...did you do this?" Hui's voice was low and airy.

Finally you come back to your senses and bash the window, jumping out of it. "HOSEOK RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN, GET THE FUCK OUT, NOW" You scream into your mic as you sprint to the van down the street.

"What happened-"

"JUST GO" You scream.

The dark morning air flows through your hair as your breathe in and out, your legs running and not stopping until you saw that van.

"MOM~" You hear from your house.

Hui was weeping and was already thirsty for revenge and you knew it...

Undefined (Sequal to Psycho Mafia Boss) BTS FF Where stories live. Discover now