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"......I like Yoongi....."

Everyone's eyes flicker to one another as the silence thickened so much, almost making their ear drums burst.

Then laughter roared through the small speaker- and it clicked off.

"Jung Hoseok?!? Likes Yoongi?!? BITCH THIS IS BETTER THAN THE HOUSEWIVES SHOW" Jin exclaims, making Namjoon laugh next to him.

You look at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"She been knew" He mumbles, clicking his tongue.
"You're such a dork" You mumble and snort.

Hoseok storms out of the doors with a huff. "I'm this fucking close to throwing myself out of a plane window".

Everyone looks at him with wide eyes until-

"OOOOOOOOOH GO GET YOUR BREAD" Taehyung cackles loudly, Jungkook then hitting the 'woah' to add extra affect to his beloveds statement.

Hobi rolls his eyes. "I really hope your asshole gets turned inside out after a good midnight fuck".

"Bruh, you cant even get a midnight fuck so don't even" Tae stands and glares.

"I'm not in the mood, Taehyung" The elder growls and sits in a plane seat, crossing his arms.

"Just wait, Timmy, when we get out this plane, I will whoop your ass with both hands" The mafia huffs and sits back down.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving to France in 10 minutes" The pilot (Jimin) mumbles into the intercom.

Everyone cheers, some dancing, some sleeping (ahem, Yoongi).

You gently poke his cheek; obviously not getting an action from him, so you tickle his sides.

Suddenly your wrist was in his tight grip, making your face lose color.

You were done for, goodbye world.

"Why are you waking me up?" He growls.

"I-I was j-just gonna tell you t-that we're almost I-in France" You stammer, trying to retract your hand from his mighty grip.

Yoongi sighs sleepily and nods, closing his eyes once again and letting go of you.

You hold your wrist, seeing a red mark around it. "This bitch scary" You mumble.
"WHERE DO I LAND TAEHYUNG?!? I CANT LAND IN AN AIRPORT" Jimin screams at the mafia.




The two males fought back and fourth until Jimin just decided to land it on an airport runway.

They were good at lying, so why couldn't they just lie their way out of this situation?

"I need everyone to act like we're tourists and looking for an extinct species, got it?" Jimin says into the microphone.

Everyone agrees as the airplane comes to a stop.

The gang piles out onto the run way, surprisingly not having anyone question them and then they sneak to the side doors of the airport.

"Who speaks French?" Jungkook whisper yells.

No answer.

"We're fucking screw-"

"I can speak some. I'm almost fluent~" Tae boasts, raising his eyebrows. Now everyone had entered the airport successfully, now just for the hard par-

"WEE" Taehyung yells loudly as they enter, getting dirty looks from strangers.

"BONJO MADAME" The mafia says in a broken manner and bows to a young woman that looked your age.

"B-bonjour?" She stammers, Bowing back.

Monkey see monkey fucking do.

Here we go.

"KOOLAID FOOD FRANCÈ" He screams. You sigh and cross your arms.
"Taehyung, it's Parlez-vous Français".
(I apologize if any of that is wrong, google translate does me dirty and little too often)

You had taken French in high school but you never really paid attention and would just use google translate for tests.

"Whatever" Tae glares as the other woman walks away quickly.

All of you sneak toward the front doors and get out into the open. "Bruh I'mma finna climb the Eiffel Tower" Hoseok smirks.

"Imma masterbate with a baguette" Your brother shrugs, getting a punch on the arm from his boyfriend.

"I'm gonna go try fancy food~" Jin cheers and kisses Namjoon on the cheek.

"Do you all realize that even though we're not wanted here, we just landed an unknown plane on a random ass airport runway. Step into reality if you're going to be in a gang" You growl.

Everyone stares at you with wide eyes and then the mafia nods.

"She's correct. We can't just go wandering around France. We need a plane that will make us through all of life without getting into jail" Taehyung says, sighing.

"Well you know what they all say..."

"LETS GET THIS BREAD" Everyone cheers

Undefined (Sequal to Psycho Mafia Boss) BTS FF Where stories live. Discover now