Porcupines & Salamanders Part 1 | Alternate Universe

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Once upon a time in an alternate universe, there was a princess born to Queen Gold and King Stein of the Kingdom of New Pork in the country of Merica. She looked to be delicate and boring on the outside, with straight brown hair and eyes of the same color, always sounding like she was asking a question when she spoke. King Stein named her Porcupine after his love of the animal and henceforth she was known to the public as Princess Porcupine of New Pork.

Five months after Porcupine's first birthday another princess was born to Queen Gold and King Stein. On the contrary to Porcupine, she was lively, had a beautiful voice made for singing, curly, golden-blond hair, and dark green eyes. Queen Gold named her Queenie, an affectionate twist on her title, and henceforth she was known to the public as Princess Queenie of New Pork.

Unfortunately, when the princesses were young, a bad bout of dragon pox killed a portion of the population in Merica and Queen Gold and King Stein fell ill and passed away. An ally of theirs from the country of the United Kingdoms sailed across the Atalanta Ocean and assumed leadership of New Pork. Lady Seraphina of the Kingdom of Whale ruled the kingdom exceptionally well, and was supported by the majority of the population of New Pork. She was kind but distant towards the girls and left them to raise each other and be cared for by the servants in the castle.

Not even a whole month after Porcupine's eleventh birthday was she sent off to a boarding school in the neighboring Kingdom of Mass-a-chew-set. (Mass-a-chew-set was named by its first king after his father yelled, "MASS A CHEW SET, SON!" before promptly dying. It made no sense whatsoever, but the king decided to make that the name of his new kingdom anyways.) Queenie joined Porcupine at the boarding school a couple years later and they graduated in the nineteenth and tewnty-first years of the century, respectively.

Porcupine ascended to the throne on her eighteenth birthday and ruled peacefully for less than two years before trouble came to her kingdom. This trouble came in the form of a man named Purse McGraves: an experienced war veteran and close friend of Seraphina's. His arrival marks the beginning of the Porkset war between New Pork and Mass-a-chew-set. Some of the surrounding kingdoms allied with Mass-a-chew-set to obtain a resource necessary to eradicate a viral respiratory disease that New Pork was guarding closely.

The ruling class of these two kingdoms had never fully trusted each other, their founders competing in trade, political prowess, and education quality. New Pork's founder was a military leader who annexed previously unclaimed territory into her kingdom, eventually spreading to the islands of Manhattan and Long. In a stealthy military operation, she annexed the islands underneath the noses of the neighboring kingdoms, Jersey and Connect-a-cut. FYI, the ruling class of Connect-a-cut and Mass-a-chew-set are distantly related, which explains their names.

New Pork's founder proposed an agreement between the three kingdoms to recognize Manhattan and Long Island as part of New Pork. The rulers agreed to allow usage of the area between all three kingdoms and most importantly, to rename Manhattan to Hat-mitten. New Pork's founder had a castle built in Hat-mitten and married a prince from the kingdom on New Pork's southern border, Pen-sill-vain-ya (also related to Mass-a-chew-set and Connect-a-cut).

The rivalry between Mass-a-chew-set and New Pork had continued through generations, the better kingdom between them indistinguishable. They both had a lot of trade, New Pork trading internationally off of its two islands and Mass-a-chew-set being a central trading kingdom. They both had significant political prowess, although New Pork a little more than Mass-a-chew-set. The majority of New Pork's population had high school diplomas, thanks to the kingdom's wide-spread education system while only about half of Mass-a-chew-set's population had diplomas. But more people had degrees in specific fields due to the advanced education system in Mass-a-chew-set than in New Pork.

This multi-generational rivalry had come to a head in the form of a declaration. A declaration of war.


Ok, I have more of this stuff written if you're actually interested, but I'll have to finish writing enough of it to post it. I hope you like this, as the story has a lot of potential.

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