Tina: I'm Broken | Broken

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Post-Crimes of Grindelwald. Newt's house. London.


"Queenie!" yelled Tina, trying to get her sister's attention, to stop her from Disapparating, but to no avail.

The roaring blue fire pushed her back a step and she brought down her wand to combat it. She held fast even as she glimsped through her orange-y magic and the flames what was going on: Grindelwald was facing Newt and Theseus, but everything was a little blurry.

Suddenly the ground opened up beneath her feet and she fell down through darkness - she tried to scream, but couldn't - Newt was on his stomach at the edge of the crevice, reaching towards her - she reached up and hit the ground!

Tina jolted awake and in a split second she was sitting up in bed, a sticky sweat covering her body. She was breathing heavily and tears formed in her eyes.

Damn it! she thought. No. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. I won't cry. I'm not a baby. Nope! I'm not crying! I'm not! I'm not. I'm not... It was no use.

Tina threw the blanket off of herself and walked to the door of the room, opening it slowly in an attempt to not make any noise. She delicately walked to one of the few bathrooms in the the house and closed the door, locking it.

Placing her hands on the counter on either side of the sink, she leaned forwards. In through your nose, out through your mouth. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Atta girl.

Tina looked at herself in the mirror and rubbed her face. Why did everything have to go wrong? Not everything. Just a lot of things. Think happy thoughts, observe, and make a plan.


"Mama, can I have cocoa?" a young Tina asked sweetly from her position on the couch: she was laying on it, her head on a pillow, swaddled with blankets.

Her mother kneeled down in front of her young daughter, a small, sad smile on her face. She brushed a lock of young Tina's semi-curly brown hair behind her ear.

"No..." she whispered her answer to little Tina. "Then you'll never get to sleep, salamander."

Salamander: a lost nickname Tina's parents had called her. They'd originally called her chameleon, as she would go from serene to fuming in a heartbeat; she even looked like a different person depending on the lighting of an area. She could "change like a chameleon." But she absolutely despised chameleons (apparently), so she'd requested a new nickname. She'd suggested unicorn (as she was obsessed with the dazzling animal, as well as cocoa. Funny story: Tina's unofficially married to a cup of cocoa and a unicorn stuffed animal), and her parents had told her they would consider it.

Her parents had started calling her salamander instead, after the family of four had found one in the fireplace. Her father had told her that her eyes looked just like it: the same vivid orangey-brown.

"Mama, pleeeeeaaase?" young Tina requested softly. Already she was becoming better at the art of persuasion. "It'll help me sleep!"

"No, it won't, and you know that."

"Awwww..." Tina attempted doe eyes and stuck out her bottom lip, causing her mother to give a little tinkle of a laugh.

A fairy must've been born right then, the laugh had been so beautiful. Adult Tina choked back a sob as tears formed in her eyes, threatening to spill over. Right now, any memory of her family induced uncontrollable crying. The memory continued to play in her mind, and she attempted to supress her emotions.

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