Requests #2 (A/N)

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Hey guys, here I am, desperate for inspiration, so any prompts or wisps of ideas would be fantastic (I'm sorry). I'm currently working on some fics right now, but I won't spoil them for you. Encouragement really does wonders, and even if you don't have any requests, I absolutely love hearing random things.

How was your day?

Draw/write anything interesting?

What other fandoms are you a part of?

What are your ships/otps?

Are you excited for any upcoming movies?

Any upcoming holidays to be hyped about?

Ok, I'm just really desperate to interact with someone that I can scream about fandom stuff with right now.

How do you like Taylor Swift's new album Lover? I think a lot of the songs can be interpreted into FB.

Any other reylos reading? Are you excited for TROS? I just got into Star Wars last month by randomly watching The Last Jedi. What're your SW ships/otps?

Have you read any interesting fics recently?

What would you like to see in FB3? Personally, I would love to see memories from Tina and Queenie's time at Ilvermorny. Then we would really have a harsh juxtaposition between their time when they were close to each other vs now, when they're separated. We'd really be able to see how much their lives have changed without the other in it.

Thanks for reading! (Shameless plug alert!) I have a book called Dear Diary, where I just write about random stuff in my life and occasionally post a piece of fanfiction from a different fandom. They're all labeled, so you know which part is from what fandom or if it's just about my life. I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a read. We fan-people (?) gotta stick together; the world's a scary place. ILYA!!! (I love you all). <3

One last question: I have some smut written, would you guys be interested in reading it? I already posted it on AO3 under my account BananaChef, if you don't wanna wait.

Requests on this part are open for the rest of 2019.

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