Unsent Letters from an American Auror | Part 1

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Post-Crimes of Grindelwald. Unsent letters from Tina addressed to Queenie.


December 1927

My dear Queenie,
     I'm not quite sure why I feel the need to write to you. I know you won't receive this; I have no way of sending it to you.
     I miss you. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am for not being a better sister. I was so caught up in my own misery that I somehow forgot that you have to deal with your own problems.
     Jacob and I really miss you. I suppose we've bonded since your sudden departure, if that means anything to you.
     I hope you -- we -- accomplish what we've set out to do. I'll find you. I know I will. I have to believe that.
In case I never get to tell you this again: I love you. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I love you with all of my heart, and I hope that, if we meet again, I'll be able to tell you all of this in person.
                 Tina x
P.S. -- Newt told me that you visited him in London and that you and Jacob are -- were -- engaged? I'd just like to say congratulations. I never hated your relationship, only feared its consequences. I hope you'll invite me to the wedding.

My dear Queenie,
     I've booked a ship home with Jacob. It leaves in two weeks, but there is a sinking feeling in my stomach every day when I realize that I'm one day closer to leaving.
     Newt's been so kind for letting all of us stay with him at his house in London. Did he tell you that he has an entire basement full of beasts? It's remarkable!
I was craving some cocoa and I thought Newt didn't have any, but he'd only hidden his stash from his beasts.
     On a somewhat darker note, I've been having nightmares again. Maybe it's the heartbreak of losing you, or stress, or some combination of both. I just haven't been able to sleep very well.
     Newt has been... I honestly don't know how to describe him. He's been staying up with me to help me work, and we don't usually stop until we start yawning contaigiously. I can't help but look at him when he does; he looks so innocent and vulnerable.
     He started sleeping in my room with me. Gosh, that sounds weird. He hugs me and helps me fall back asleep when I wake up from a nightmare. I'm not looking forwards to waking up alone when I arrive home. I feel lonely just thinking about it. My feelings are so confusing. I wish you were here to help me figure them out.
     Thinking of you,
                                  Tina x

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