Sad Little Light: A Poem

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My friend Katisfania made this beautiful piece of fan art of Tina in a dress I saw on Tumblr that just SCREAMED salamander eyes!

I guess this is a poeticized version of the Salamander Eyes scene... Not really sure what everything means in here, but I kinda like it.


Brought into existence
With the sole purpose of searching,

“Come to me. I give you form, I give you life.”

The light came together in an orb,
Lighting a path for the broken-hearted
Girl and the yearning boy to follow.

Cut off

Light washing over them
From head to toe
Why did you have to go?

The lonely light led on, but the
Yearning boy held the
Heart-broken girl back, words
Forming, pushing, roiling, stumbling.

The lonely light floated onwards,
Unaware that its followers had stopped
That it was no longer needed to search.

The heart-broken girl and the yearning
Boy had found what they were

Within themselves

The little light turned a corner and
Realized that its creator was no longer
Watching its creation.
The light doubled back and found that
The yearning boy had started to heal the
Heart-broken girl’s heart.

The heart-broken girl became the
Heart-mended girl as the yearning boy
Sewed her heart together, infusing every
Hurt with love.
Every pain with a kiss.
Every loss with something new to hold To.

The unspoken truth swam tantalizingly
Close to the sad little orb, and it bobbed
Up and down, begging for its creator’s

Then suddenly, with no warning,
The sad little light winked out of
Why did you have to go?
Why did you have to make me cry?

I never even said

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