Into the Realm of the Actors

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This is in no way an accurate portrayal of Katherine Waterston or Eddie Redmayne, (ironic that he's a Puff when his name is overtly Gryffindor), any of the other Fantastic Beasts actors, or the director. I just couldn't sleep at, like, 12 AM with this idea in my head.


Eddie: *Gets a super lightweight Newt-case to use.* "Niiiiiiice!"

Katherine: *Receives a nice blue coat.* "Ooooh! This is really beautiful--" *Puts it on.* "--oof! But it weighs like thirty pounds..."


During a break

Katherine: *Eating gummy bears.* "Eddie, I am really jealous of you right now."

Eddie: *Drinks his, like, fifth cup of coffee.* "Why?"

Katherine: "Well," *She plops a gummy bear in her mouth and chews, a thoughtful expression on her face as she looks for the right words.* "...You got a super-light case to carry around while I have this--beautiful, mind you--but thirty-pound coat I wear in almost every scene. No joke, I checked last night.

Katherine: "And, well," *Eats a couple more gummy bears.* "...It honestly feels like this is like a work out for my arms--"

Eddie: *Interrupting because he's a guy (no offense).* "Yeah, I notice you fiddling with the cinch between shots."

Katherine: *Just going along with Eddie so he doesn't ramble like Newt. She teases him mercilessly when he does that tho.* "Yeah, if I tie it tight enough it takes some of the weight off my shoulders. It's really the wand work that gets me. It's like lifting my arm up when someone is pushing down on it. This whole coat is like moving in mud up to my neck."

Eddie: *Sassily.* "Then why are you still wearing it?"

Katherine: *Equally sassy, but executes it better because she's Katherine Waterston and a woman (no offense).* "Because I'm smart. If I take it off now, I'll have to put it back on later, and it'll feel super heavy. But if I leave it on, I'll just be used to it when we shoot later."

Eddie: *In fake offense.* "Did you just call me unintelligent??"

Katherine: *Pats his knee all friendly-like and smirks.* "No, of course not, Eddie." *Looks away.* "I only implied it."


After Filming the Salamander Eyes Scene

*Cameras cut off*

Katherine: *Teary-eyed still from acting.* "Eddie? Can I tell you something?"

Eddie: *Also still teary-eyed.* "Of course."

Katherine: *Breaks out into a teary-eyed smile.* "You're amazing. You know that, right? You are one of my best friends. I'm glad that, out of all of my actor friends, you're the one that I'll have to kiss in front of a camera."

Eddie: *Inordinately touched but also concerned for Katherine's mental health.* "Katherine... you okay?"

Katherine: *Being honest.* "Uh, no... the emotions from the scene are still wearing off; I don't know what I'm saying."

Eddie: *Pulls her into a hug because ☆friendship☆* "You're amazing as well. You're also one of my best friends, and I'm glad that you're the one I'll have to kiss on camera. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Katherine: *Actually crying a little now.* "Aww... thanks, Eddie!" *Lets out a laugh/sob and pulls out if the hug to wipe some tears away with a self-deprecating smile.* "Agh, you're making me cry!"

Eddie: *Not afraid to cry just b/c he's a guy.* "And now you're making me cry!"

David Yates: "You two okay over there?"

Katherine & Eddie: "Yeah/Yep, we're good/fine!"

Katherine: *tears wiped away now.* "Drinks?"

Eddie: *Smiling.* "I'll get the guys."

Katherine: *Walking away with a smile on her face.* "I'll get the girls!"


After Filming the Whole Choosing Sides Stuff Climax of CoG

*Alison walks away looking sad and depressed.*

Katherine: *Concerned.* "Eddie, Ali doesn't look too good."

Eddie: *Following Katherine's eyesight to watch Ali.* "We need to cheer her up. I think Queenie joining Grindelwald was a rough scene for her. It was for all of us, but she had it the hardest."

Katherine: *Determined.* "I'm gonna round up the rest of the main cast and surprise her. You get some food."

(The main cast includes Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Zoë Kravitz, Callum Turner, Ezra Miller, Claudia Kim, and William Nadylam only b/c I forgot to add Johnny Depp and Jude Law). 


*Ali walks into a deserted room to pick at her emotions by herself and turns on the light.*

Everyone except Ali: "Surprise!"

Ali: *Claps her hands over her mouth in surprise.* "Oh my gosh, guys! What's all this for?"

Claudia: "Well, Katherine and Eddie noticed you were upset after filming today, so we decided to throw you a party to make you feel better!"

Dan: "We have croissants! And cupcakes!" *Walks over to Ali and pulls her into a tight hug.* "We're here for you, Ali. We're your crazy magical family." *Pulls out of hug.* "'Cause, you know, Eddie has a case full of CGI beasts, Claudia plays a Maledictus--"

Ezra: *Puts his arm around Claudia making her laugh.*

Dan: "--Ezra over there plays an Obscurius--"

Ezra: *With a friendly smile.* "Obscurus!"

Dan: "My mistake, obscurusWilliam plays a random French wizard who has eye problems, Katherine plays an American Auror who's an emotional wreck, I play a freaking No-Maj baker from New York City, and you play a cunning witch who can pretty much read minds!

Ali: *Giggles.* "Thanks. You guys are the best!"

Ezra: *In typical Ezra Miller fashion.* "Group hug!"

*Everyone hugs each other, squishing Ali in the middle.*

Ali: Best family ever!

Katherine: *Jokingly.* "You are the best fake sister I could ever have."

Ali: "And you are the best fake sister I could ever have."

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