Chapter 2

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   I walked into homeroom the next morning and took my seat, awaiting class to start.

   Gwen sat down next to me shortly after, then the teacher stood in front of the class.

   "Good morning, students." She said with a smile.

   "Good morning." A few of us replied.

   She picked up a folder from her desk. "Ok, first order of business, I'm going to assign each of you a partner for the group project you'll be working on this week."

   A few cheers rang out as she started reading off names.

   Eventually, I heard mine.

   "Brianna, you'll be partnered with... Gwen." She said, looking up at both of us.

   I nodded before facing Gwen, who was already looking at me.

   "You gonna be here long enough to help me finish this project?" I asked.

   She chuckled slightly and smiled. "I guess we'll see."

   After the teacher was done assigning partners, she addressed the class one last time. "Alright, now that you all have partners. Your assignment is to pick your favorite historical figure and write a ten paragraph summery of their lives and accomplishments, which you'll be presenting in front of the class at the end of the week."

   Then, she sat at her desk, allowing us to get to work.

   I faced Gwen. "So, who should we choose?"

   She shrugged. "Does Jimmy Page count as a historical figure?"

   I raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

   Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open. "Um, only like the best guitar player to ever live."

   I shrugged. "Never heard of him."

   She shook her head. "You can't be serious."

   I let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I don't listen to a lot of music."

   She sighed. "I'm gonna forget you just said that, since we're supposed to be partners and all."

   I laughed again. "Fair enough."

   She smiled. "So, did you have anyone in mind?"

   I looked down and thought for a second. "We could do Einstein?"

   She shook her head. "Eh, everyone's probably gonna pick him... how about JFK?"

   I smiled. "That's fine by me."

   She returned it. "Great, then let's get to work."

   We spent the rest of the period discussing what we should write about and bonding in the process, at least in my opinion.

   Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

   We stood up and followed the other students into the hallway, still chatting away.

   "...I'm just saying, it would be interesting to write about." Gwen said.

   "I don't think the teachers going to want to read about some crazy conspiracy theory." I replied with a chuckle.

   She stopped walking, mouth hanging open. "Oh, so now I'm crazy?"

   I laughed and patted her shoulder. "I didn't say that... I just implied it."

   She shook her head, laughing, before giving me a playful nudge. "Whatever... Hey, uh, I'm glad I got you as my partner."

   I smiled at her. "Me to..."

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