Chapter 6

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   I met Gwen in the parking lot after school, she leaned against her bike, a lit cigarette hanging from her lips.

   "Hey, how'd the presentation go?" She asked.

   "Pretty good. How'd your meeting with the principal go?"

   She flicked her cigarette to the ground as she stood up. "Well, they didn't suspend me, so it could've gone worse."

   I chuckled a little. "That's good."

   She nodded, handing me her helmet.

   I took it and put it on before hopping on the back of the bike.

   Gwen started it up and gave it a few revs before taking off for my house.

We pulled into the driveway shortly after and I hopped off, handing Gwen the helmet. "Thanks for the ride."

She smiled. "No problem."

I nervously rubbed my forearm. "Hey, uh, you wanna do something today?"

She smiled wider. "Sure, I'm free. What'd you have in mind?"

I shrugged. "Well, my moms still at work, I thought we could hang out here. Maybe you could broaden my musical horizon a little."

She chuckled. "You definitely need it."

I laughed in return. "Well, c'mon then."

She stepped off the bike, resting her helmet on the seat, before following me inside.

And so we spent the rest of the day hanging out, listening to music and getting to know each other a little better. It was a lot of fun and some of the music wasn't half bad.

I could feel myself growing closer to Gwen every minute we spent together and that little high school crush was starting to develop into something more. Underneath that tough as nails exterior, she was actually really sweet and funny. I felt like I could just talk to her for hours and never get bored.

It was a feeling I was starting to become used to. A feeling that I welcomed with open arms. Her presence was a welcome change to my life and I didn't wanna spend a second without her.

As the sun started to set in the sky, Gwen looked over at me. "Hey, you wanna go somewhere?"

"Sure." I replied.

She smiled as she stood up. "Cool."

I stood as well and followed her out to her bike.

We got on and she started it up before taking off into the night.

After a short trip, we pulled into the schools parking lot and she shut the bike off.

"What are we doing here? No ones around this late." I asked.

She stepped off. "Exactly."

I stepped off as well before following her behind the school, confusion swirling around my head.

She scanned the brick walls before coming to a stop and turning to face me. "I hope you're not afraid of heights."

I looked from her to the tall ladder leading to the roof of the school. "You're not serious."

"Oh, c'mon, lighten up. This'll be fun, I promise."

I looked back into her eyes, a mischievous glint shinning in them. "Fine. But, if we get caught, I'm definitely throwing you under the bus."

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