Chapter 18

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It's been a week since the incident and I haven't heard from Brianna since then.

It pained me the way I chose to leave things. What I said, how I acted.

I kicked the wall inside the girls bathroom, anger starting to fill my gut. "Stupid..."

She was right, it was my fault. I gave her the advice, all she did was follow it.

Who was I to blame her for that?

And, to make things worse, I didn't even have the courage to call her and apologize.

I slid down the wall to a sitting position on the floor, lighting my cigarette.

'You fucked up... Big time...' I thought.

Then, the sound of footsteps filled my ears.

I looked up to see Lola shuffling through the door.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked

She stopped in her tracks, avoiding my gaze. "Do you mind if I join y-"

"Yes, I do. Now answer the damn question or get out." I cut off.

She leaned against the other wall. "I heard what happened and I just wanted to apologize for Madison's behavior. These last few weeks, she's been out of line and offensive and-"

I put my hand up, cutting her off. "Let's cut the PC Culture bullshit for a second here. I don't get 'offended' because I don't let rude assholes bother me. However, it pisses me off when that rude asshole decides to torture the sweetest, kindest person I've ever met just because she thinks she can. Because everyone just lets her get away with it. Well, not me."

   Lola put her hand up this time. "Gwen, it's not-"

   "Shut up, I'm not done yet."

   "Right, sorry. Please continue." She said, looking back at the floor.

   "Let me tell you something about Madison, that entitled skank, I've known people like her my whole life. She thinks because she's the queen of high school, that makes her untouchable. That she's better then the rest of us. Well, between you and me, that high horse of hers isn't gonna be able to hold her up forever. And, eventually, her perfect little life is gonna come crashing down..."

   I leaned in close to Lola, speaking through clenched teeth. "... And I just hope I'll get to be there when she hits the fucking floor."

I flicked my cigarette to the ground for good measure before exiting the bathroom, heading towards my next class...

I parked my motorcycle in my driveway before heading through the front door.

"You're home early." My mom said.

I just ignored her, heading up to my room.

"Hold it, young lady, I was talking to you." She scolded, stopping me in my tracks.

"I'm sorry, mother. What can I do for you?" I replied sarcastically.

"First, you can lose the attitude. Then, you can join your father and I for dinner."

"Hard pass." I said before continuing my way up the stairs.

That's when it hit me. Today was Lily's birthday.

   I stopped again, lowering my head with a sigh. "Shit..."

   My parents looked up from the table as I entered the kitchen.

   "Sorry... I almost forgot..."

   They just nodded, letting me take my seat in silence.

My parents lowered their heads, saying a small prayer for Lily.

I lowered mine as well, saying a few words of my own. Before my mind traveled to someone else.

'I wonder what she's doing right now...' I thought.


I sat on my bed, Gwen's jacket in my hands. My eyes were red and teary. My heart felt like it was gonna shrivel up and die.

   About the only good thing right now was that my mom wasn't mad at me. She didn't even ground me. Thankfully she took my side, even if I didn't want her to.

   Madison might've started it, but, like the vice principal said, I finished it.

   I didn't really blame Gwen either. But, I was upset and I took it out on her. I just hope she could forgive me.

   Then, my phone rang out from the nightstand.

   I answered quickly. "Gwen?"

   "No, it's Jo..."

   My shoulders slumped a little. "Oh, sorry about that."

   "Don't be... I heard what happened, how're you holding up?"

   I flopped back on my bed. "Not great... I lost my temper and hurt people... Including you."

   "Bri... I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't know that... that you loved her..."

   I shook my head. "Don't apologize... I'm sorry for what I said... I love you to and I want you in my life... We've known each other for most of our lives and I don't want that to change."

   "Me neither... I forgive you, Bri."

   I smiled a little. "Thanks... So, are we friends again?"

   She chuckled. "Definitely. Actually, I was gonna stop by after school tomorrow. You free?"

   "Considering I'm still suspended, I'd say so."

   We shared a small laugh.

   "Alright, cool, I'll see you then."

   "Ok, bye for now."

   "Bye." She said before hanging up.

   I set my phone down with a long sigh.

   Of course I was happy that I could patch things up with Jo. But, that still didn't change things with Gwen. I wanted her to forgive me, I wanted her back in my life. But, I wasn't sure if she would even wanna come back.

   I rolled out of bed with a groan and made my way downstairs.

   My mom sat on the couch, watching TV.

   She looked up as I entered the living room. "Hey, sweetie, how're feeling?"

   I collapsed next to her on the couch. "Sad... Afraid..."

   "Afraid of what?" She asked.

   I rubbed my eyes. "Afraid that I ruined things with Gwen."

   My mom wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Sweetie, it was just a fight. Those things happen all the time in relationships."

   I looked up at her. "But, what if this time's different? What if she doesn't forgive me?"

   She rubbed my back. "If she really loves you, she'll forgive you."

   I smiled a little, some of the tension loosening from my shoulders. "Thanks mom..."

   She just nodded, looking back at the TV.

   I rested my head on her shoulder as my mind raced.

   'If she truly loves me, like I love her, then she'll accept my apology... We can work through this, together...'

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