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   Ah, summertime. What's not to love? The bright sun hanging high above us, the warm breeze blowing through the trees. Perfection... Speaking of which, Gwen would be staying with my mom and I all summer. In our house... In my room... What's not to love..?

   Gwen and I sat underneath a nice, shady tree in a nearby park.

   She laid her head back against my chest, her notebook propped up on her knees.

   I looked over her shoulder, reading through her latest summer school assignment.

   She sighed. "I hate this..."

   I smiled, wrapping my arms around her. "Just remember, if you pass this, you won't have to go back to school... Like ever..."

   I leaned in close to her ear then, whispering seductively. "... And, there might even be a bonus gift from yours truly..."

   She shuttered and pulled away as I ran my tongue slowly up her neck.

   "God, you are insane, you know that?" She asked, wiping the side of her neck with her sleeve.

   I shrugged, flashing her a sly smirk. "Maybe just a little bit."

   She smiled back, laughing a little. "How about we give this schoolwork a break, and sneak off to a secluded corner of this beautiful park?"

"Sorry, no can do. We have to finish that before meeting Jo and Lola for lunch." I replied.

She groaned. "Fine."

I chuckled as we got back to work...

After a little while, Gwen and I rode into town on her bike, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant we'd be having lunch at.

I stepped off first.

"I still can't believe they're dating." Gwen said as she stepped off.

I shrugged. "I'm happy for them. They make a cute couple."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Not as cute as us."

I giggled, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "Definitely not."

We shared a laugh as we strolled through the doors, spotting Jo and Lola at a booth in the back.

They smiled as we approached.

"Hey, guys, how's your day going?" Jo asked as we sat down.

"It would be easier if Gwen would stop fighting me on her summer school work." I replied.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Don't act like you don't love it."

I took her hand in mine then. "Alright, fine, you're kinda cute when you get like that."

She smirked, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"You guys are so cute, I can't stand it." Lola said.

Jo rolled her eyes. "I don't know if 'cute' is the word I'd use. I was thinking more, 'nauseating.'"

Lola gave her a nudge. "You know, you could learn a thing or two from them."

Jo let out a long sigh. "I knew this would be a mistake."

We shared a laugh as the waiter arrived...

After lunch, Gwen and I headed back to my house.

My mom greeted us as we walked through the door.

"Hey, you two."

"Hey, Pam." Gwen greeted.

"How was your day, mom?" I added.

My mom shrugged. "Not as fun as yours I would suspect."

Gwen took my hand in hers. "You're probably right."

My mom laughed. "You two are adorable, but I have to take off for a little bit. So, please don't burn the house down."

"No promises." I replied.

My mom shook her head as she pulled the door open. "I blame you for this, Gwen."

We chuckled as we waved her off.

After a minute of silence, Gwen turned to me. "So... I believe I was promised a bonus gift for completing my work..."

I smirked, giving her butt a tiny pinch. "That you were."

We giggled as we made our way upstairs to my room...


We laid in my bed, blanket pulled over us.

I rested my head on Gwen's chest. "Do you remember when we first met?"

Gwen smiled. "Of course, you couldn't take your eyes off me."

I giggled. "True... What were you thinking when we got partnered up for that project?"

She thought for a second. "I was thinking that I was the luckiest girl in the class to get you as my partner."

I sat up, looking down at her. "Really?"

She smiled. "No... I was pissed that I had to do some stupid project on my first day."

I smiled back, giving her a playful nudge.

She sat up then, wrapping her arms around me. "But... Then I realized how lucky I really was... To meet a girl as perfect as you... Someone who would love me for me..."

I pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "We did get pretty lucky, huh?"

She rested her forehead against mine, speaking in a whisper. "Yeah... I guess we did..."

Sure, all I wanted for a long time was to be someone I wasn't. But, I realized along the way that I didn't have to be a different person. I needed someone who would make me a better person. To unlock my fullest potential. To stick with me through the low points and push me to be better.

I realized that I didn't need to change for Gwen or that she didn't need to change for me. We were perfect in our own ways... And we were even better together...

The End

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