Chapter 17

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   Sure, I saw Gwen at school. Sure, she came to visit on the weekends. But, it just wasn't the same as sharing a bed with her. Feeling the warmth of her skin on mine all night. It was a feeling I missed. And, it was all her parents fault.

   The thought of her being stuck in that house with those monsters caused my blood to boil. It angered me to a point I never knew existed and unfortunately, I didn't express that anger in a healthy manor...

   I walked down the nearly empty hallway, heading towards the girls bathroom, where Gwen would be waiting.

   But, as usual, Madison and Winter blocked my path.

   Only, this time, I didn't have Gwen at my side.

   "Funny, I haven't seen you by yourself all year. Where's your little puppy?" Madison asked.

   I rolled my eyes and started to walk past her. But, she grabbed me and spun me around. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" She asked, Winter stepping behind me.

   Fear started to spread through me, but I still stood my ground. "Anywhere but here."

   Madison chuckled. "Not until you apologize."

   "For what?"

   "For calling me a bitch." Madison said sternly.

   My body started to shake a little, whether it was from the fear or the adrenaline, it didn't matter. My mind was already made up.

   "I think you mean for calling you an arrogant bitch." I corrected.

   Madison's fists clenched at her side and the look she gave me would be enough to scare anyone out of their socks, but I was determined.

   That is, until she punched me, right in the jaw.

   I fell back, the pain shooting through the side of my face.

   A few tears started to well in my eyes as I looked up at her.

   In all the years we've known each other, she never hit me. Ever.

   And boy did it piss me off.

   Without warning, I let out a yell, tackling Madison to the floor.

   She tried to get her hands up to block her face, but she was a little to late.

   I punched her hard in the face, then again and again.

   "Fuck you!" I yelled as I kept punching her.

   Winter took off as soon as the fight started and no one else was around to stop us.

   And, before I knew it, her nose was bleeding, her lip was busted, and her eye was starting to turn purple.

   I finally caught myself, slowly sitting up, my hands shaking, tears spilling down my cheeks.

   "Bri!" I heard.

   Then, her arms wrapped around me, helping me to my feet.

   "Bri? Are you ok?" Gwen asked.

   I slowly looked over at her. "I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me... I'm really sorry..."

   She pulled me into a tight embrace as teachers and students started flooding the halls, surrounding us.

   Then, the vice principal and security guard pushed through the crowd, coming out right in front of us.

   "Someone get the nurse." The vice principal said as the security guard walked up to us.

   "Come with me, you two."

   "I'm sorry." I said again.

   Gwen patted my back. "C'mon, Bri, it's alright..."

   The security guard led us to the vice principals office, the vice principal herself joining us shorty after.

She sat behind her desk, staring right at me, hands steepled in front of her. "Brianna... I don't even know where to begin."

"Mrs. Whitley, I am so sorry..." I started, more tears spilling down my cheeks. "... She punched me and I just reacted... I-I didn't mean to..."

She sighed, looking down. "We have a strict no violence policy on school grounds, you know that. I never would've expected such behavior from you."

"Hey, she hit Bri first. That's self defense." Gwen interjected.

Then, Mrs. Whitley turned her attention to Gwen. "Miss Hawkins, right now you aren't in any trouble. I'd suggest you keep it that way."

Gwen scoffed. "That's such bullshit, Madison started it and if you ask me, she got what she deserved."

Mrs. Whitley stood. "Miss Hawkins! This isn't about who started it, it's about who finished it. And right now I have a poor girl beaten to a pulp sitting in the nurses office. I have two parents who aren't gonna let this go with a simple slap on the wrist. Not to mention Brianna's mother."

My ears perked up then. "Wait, you can't tell my mom. Please, Mrs. Whitley."

She turned her attention back to me. "It's to late for that, Brianna. I'm sorry."

She sat back down then, pulling a couple pieces of paper from her drawer, handing them to us. "These are witness statements, I need them filled out before you leave. I'm gonna call parents in the mean time. Hopefully your mom can pick you up."

I looked up at her. "Why would she pick me up?"

She let out a long breath. "Because, Brianna, as of right now you are suspended for two weeks."

And, there it was. My entire life shattering before me. First Gwen had to leave and now I couldn't see her for two whole weeks. Not to mention what my mom was gonna say about the whole thing.

"Is Madison gonna be suspended?" Gwen asked.

"I don't know yet." Mrs. Whitley replied, standing from her desk.

I lowered my head as she walked into the hallway to make her phone calls.

Gwen placed a hand on my shoulder then. "Bri..."

More tears spilled out. "It's all my fault."

   Gwen gave my shoulder a squeeze. "No it's not. You defended yourself, you should be-"

   "What? Proud? I beat a girl up, Gwen. Don't you see that?"

   Gwen looked at me, shock spreading across her features. "Bri, she started it."

   I shook my head as I stood. "So what? I stood up for myself and look where it got me. Suspended, Madison's in the nurses office, and my moms gonna kill me... Great advice."

   She stood up now. "So, now this is my fault?"

   I refused to face her. "Maybe it is..."

   I felt her looking at me, but still refused to turn around.

   "Whatever..." She said before brushing past me, leaving me alone in the vice principals office.

   I pinched the bridge of my nose as I started to cry again.

   'Way to go, Bri...'

The Bad Girl (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now