Chapter 4

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Gwen pulled to a stop in front of my house, leaning the bike on its kickstand.

I slowly backed away, pulling the helmet off.

"So, how was that?" She asked.

I smiled. "A lot more fun that I thought it'd be."

She chuckled, taking the helmet from my hands.

She hung it from the handlebar before stepping off, helping me off as well.

My knees felt weak and I could feel a little bit of adrenaline still coursing through my veins. But, overall, it was a great experience. The closeness may have played a big part in that.

Gwen looked up at my house. "Nice place."

I turned to her. "Oh, thanks, it's not really much, but it's home."

She smiled. "Well, why don't you give me the grand tour?"

I chuckled. "You're on."

She returned it. "Lead the way."

   I led her up the front steps and through the front door.

   My mom looked up from her spot at the kitchen table, a big grin on her face. "Hey, sweetie, who's your friend?"

   Gwen stepped forward. "Gwen, it's great to meet you, miss Cole."

   My mom stood up, offering her a hand. "Please, call me Pam."

   Gwen nodded, shaking her hand. "You got it, Pam."

   My mom returned her smile. "So, Gwen, that's a really pretty name. Don't you think, sweetie?" She asked, looking to me for an answer.

   I sighed. "Right, anyway, we have a project to finish. Right Gwen?"

   She chuckled a little. "That we do."

   My mom looked between the two of us. "Well, you girls have fun now."

   I just nodded before leading Gwen up the stairs to my room.

   She closed the door behind her, taking in my room.

   "Wow, it's really... Uh, pink." She said.

   "Pink's lame, I know, but I picked the color out when I was like five, so." I defended.

   She laughed. "Hey, pink's fine, I like pink."

   I returned her laugh. "You're a terrible liar, but I appreciate it."

   She sat down on the edge of my bed. "Fine, I guess I could get used to pink."

   "Now that sounded a little more sincere." I said as I sat down next to her, setting my book bag on the floor.

   A silence quickly fell over us as we sat on my bed.

   I glanced at her. "Thanks again for saving me today."

   She returned my glance. "Anytime... But, why do you let her treat you like that?"

I looked down, averting her gaze. "I don't know... I guess I'm just used to it at this point."

She shook her head. "You shouldn't have to get 'used' to being bullied."

I returned my gaze to her. "And what do you expect I do? Beat her up? I'm sorry, Gwen, but that's just not who I am."

She stood, a slight sigh escaping her. "I didn't mean like that... But, you could at least stand up for yourself."

I looked down again. "Sometimes I really wish I could..."

She turned to me. "Well, what's stopping you?"

"I don't like confrontation... I'm not a brave person like you are, Gwen."

She scoffed. "I highly doubt that."

I unzipped my book bag, pulling my notebook out. "Yeah, well, it's the truth. I'm sorry if you don't wanna accept that."

She plopped down next to me as I opened my notebook. "I'm sorry, Bri, I shouldn't push... I'm just not used to your kind of approach."

I closed my notebook, looking over at her again. "It's ok... But, you don't have to fight either... It might do you some good to just ignore it and walk away."

She shrugged, looking down at the floor. "That's just not who I am..."

I looked down as well. "Why..?"

She was quiet for a long minute before taking in a shaky breath. "When I was about seven, my parents bought me a new bicycle... It was the coolest thing they ever got me and I was so excited to show it off to all my friends the next day at school... But, the class bully, Charlotte, broke it before I could get that far... After lugging the stupid thing back home, I told my parents what happened and instead of their support, I got my first feeling of a leather belt on my skin..."

I slowly looked at her, seeing a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Gwen..."

She squeezed her eyes shut, wiping at them quickly. "They told me if I didn't start standing up for myself, I'd just get beat up at home to... And they weren't kidding. Every time Charlotte did anything, I'd get the belt when I got home... So, one day when I was about nine, I finally snapped. I went in to school that day with one thing on my mind, that fucking belt... When I finally got my hands on Charlotte, I just lost control... all that built up pain and anger finally being put to use..."

More tears started leaking from her eyes.

I slowly took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Gwen... I'm so sorry..."

She shook her head, a harsh laugh escaping her. "Don't be... its not like you did anything wrong."

"Still, no kid should be treated like that... No kid should have to get used to that..."

She finally glanced at me, her eyes red from the tears. "Now you see my point."

I averted her gaze, standing from the bed.

"Bullies never learn... They just keep picking at you until you finally blow... But, if you stand up for yourself, then they have no power over you. They can't bully you if you don't let them..."

"Did you stand up to your parents?" I asked, my back still facing her.

She grew quiet again. This one longer than before. "Once... I was only fourteen... Way to young to earn a scar for life..."

I turned to her. "What do you mean..?"

She sighed before pulling her jacket sleeve up, revealing a small, circular scar on her inner forearm. "Curtesy of a freshly lit Camel menthol."

   I gasped a little. "Jeez..."

   She traced the scar with her finger. "Tell me about it..."

   I sat down at the chair in front of my desk, opening my mouth to respond, when my bedroom door suddenly flew open.

   Gwen quickly covered her arm back up as my mom poked her head in. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering what you girls wanted for dinner?"

   I looked from my mom to Gwen.

   She shrugged. "I'm sure whatever you make will be great, Pam."

   My mom smiled, winking at me. "I like this one."

  Gwen chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "Ok mom, we'll be down in a few. We still have some work to finish up."

   My mom nodded and waved before closing the door behind her.

   A silence fell back over the room before Gwen picked up my notebook, holding it in my direction. "I guess we better get to work."

   I stood, taking the notebook. "Yeah... I guess so..."

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