Chapter 9

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I looked down at my feet, Brianna's eyes lingered on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her... not after what I did...

   "What happened to her..?" She asked.

   Memories of that day flooded my mind as I slowly sat back down. "It was all my fault... I was supposed to be watching her... but, I fucked up... I took my eyes off of her for one second..."

   Brianna hesitantly sat down next to me, taking my hand in hers.

   I finally looked up at her. "She was only six years old... my parents left for work early that day, but they left me with one instruction, 'watch your sister, you know how she can be.'"


   I raised my hand, taking in a deep breath. "... She was riding her bike up and down the sidewalk... She was upset that I wouldn't let her ride in the street, because all the big kids got to do it... But, I stood my ground... until the phone started ringing..."

   I felt a few more tears leak down my cheeks. "I told her to stay out of the street, that I would be right back."

   Briannas grip tightened around my hand.

   "I heard the horn before I could even make it to the phone... Some bitch doing her makeup instead of focusing on the road... She didn't even see Lily until it was to late."

   I wiped at my eyes with my free hand. "She was just a kid... She didn't get a chance to grow up and experience life all because of me... My own fucking sister."

   "Gwen, it's not your fault. You were just a kid yourself."

   I shook my head. "She was my responsibility and I let her down."

   Brianna was quiet for a long minute before slowly wrapping her arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.

   I returned the embrace, burying my head in her shoulder, more tears letting loose.

"I'm so sorry, Gwen..." She whispered.

After a few minutes, I pulled away, wiping the rest of the tears away with a sniffle.

Brianna looked at me and I looked down, averting her gaze. "Sorry to dump all that on you."

She lightly squeezed my shoulder. "Hey, don't be sorry. I'm here for you, Gwen. Whenever you need me."

I gave her a small, sad smile. "Thanks... But, we should probably be heading back now."

She nodded, slowly getting to her feet. "Yeah, you're probably right."

I stood up as well, following Brianna back towards the school...

   After school, I rode around aimlessly for a while, unable to shake the conversation from earlier.

I got home at around nightfall, parking my motorcycle in the garage and, with a sigh, I stepped off and headed inside.

My mom sat at the table, looking through old pictures, while my dad laid passed out on the couch.

She looked up as I approached, a few tears in her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She just placed a picture on the table, sliding it towards me.

I picked it up, seeing the image of my mom and Lily at the hospital, Lily had just been born.

I let out a sigh, setting the picture back down. "Mom-"

"No... Just don't." She cut off, clearly drunk.

I rubbed my forehead. "Please, not today, mom."

She shook her head, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. "How could you? She was your only sister..."

I felt a few angry tears well up in my own eyes. "I'm not doing this today."

She got to her feet as I started heading for my room.

"You took her from me! It's all your fault!" She yelled.

I stopped in my tracks, wiping at my eyes as the anger in my stomach grew. "I was just a kid..."

"No! No excuses!"

I quickly spun around, coming face to face with her. "What the hell do you want from me!? Huh!?"

She backed up a little, more tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Do you want me to tell you that I'm sorry? Or maybe that I can't sleep at night because she haunts my dreams... You don't have to live with the mistake. I do!"

She glared at me. "You are the mistake! You took away the only thing I've ever loved. You killed my baby girl!"

I started to shake, the anger coursing through ever fiber of my being. "You have no right to talk to me that way..."

She leaned in close enough so I could hear her whisper. "How could I ever love someone like you? You are a disgrace to this family..."

I shut my eyes, my hands clenched at my sides. "Shut up..."

"You should consider yourself lucky we still allow you to live here, that we still take care of you."

As she continued her hushed barrage, I found myself slowly backing away. "Just shut up."

But, she refused, her words becoming louder and more hurtful the further from her I got.

And, suddenly, I just couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I said shut the fuck up!" I yelled, finally silencing her.

My dad started to stir. "What the hells going on?" He asked.

I took in a shaky breath. "I'm leaving... a-and I'm never coming back."

He glanced over at me. "The hell you are. Go to your room."

I shook my head. "No..."

He stood up, walking right in front of me. "Did you suddenly go deaf or something? Either do what I say, or you'll be in a world of hurt."

I slowly looked up, matching his glare. "I hope you drop dead you ungrateful piece of shit."

He stepped back, a look of shock on his face as I turned on my heel and made a beeline for the garage door.

"You get back here right now, young lady and do what your father told you!" My mom yelled.

I opened the door before glancing at her. "You're not my parents anymore. This family is the disgrace and I've had enough."

Then, I slammed the door closed behind me.

I got on my bike and and started it up before taking off down the driveway, riding off into the night...

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