Hanayama Karou x reader

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Ah, what a beautiful day! Sun is shining birds are chirping, your alarm clock blinking.
"Shit BAKI! wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" I yell at my younger brother. That's right, you are the half sister of Baki hanma, your mom died giving birth to you so yours and Bakis father raised you. If you call leaving you at random times and places "raised".
"Sis, it's Saturday remember?" Baki questions looking at his sister who's hair is everywhere with a toothbrush in her mouth.
".....oh... well never mind then." You state while being so done with yourself as a person.
"Hey sis, any plans for today?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Oh no reason, just wondering if you wanna come with me to see 'you-know-who'?"
Baki smirks seeing his sister blush at the thought of their mutual friend.
And who is this mutual friend? Why none other than Hanayama Karou!

"W-w-what's that face for?!" You question with a horrible stutter and blush.
"Hahaha! Oh come on sis, we ALL know how you feel about hanayama. For one of the strongest fighters you sure become weak when he's mentioned!" Baki states trying to stop his laughter.
You walk over and karate chop him on the head!
"Ouch! Heeey! Not cool!" He exclaims rubbing his now bruised cranium.
"So what do you say sis? Wanna come hang out?" Baki asks.
"Sure! But I'm inviting someone else then." You state with a smirk of your own. Before Baki can question who, you both hear a knock at the door.
"I'll get it" You state, walking to the door.
"Oh! H-hanayama! Please come in!" You state with a blush and slight stutter!
'Damn you stutter! And you to hanayama for being so damn sexy and hands- STOP BRAIN!'
"You okay y/n?" Hanayama asks, slightly unsure why you're suddenly quiet.
"Huh?! Oh I'm fine, sorry! I spaced out for a second there!" You laugh a little at the end and Hanayama gave a small smile while you blushed.
"So Hanayama you ready? Sis said she's inviting someone else..?" Baki asked while looking at you.
"Yeah, where are we going?" You ask curiously
"To that new cafe downtown" Hanayama answered
"Cool, I'll go get my friend and we'll meet you there!" You respond happily. Both boys nod and head out while you text kouzue(idk if that's how her name is spelt).
Hey, wanna come with me to that new cafe? Baki and Hanayama will be there😏 -y

Oh yes that sounds like fun! You said Baki will be there? 😊- kouzue
Yep! Meet me outside in 15?- y/n

After that you quickly made yourself look even cuter to impress Hanayama, even though unbeknownst to you he already thinks you're the most beautiful person ever.
"Y/n! I'm ready!" You hear kouzue shout.
After finishing up you checked yourself in the mirror. Cute, f/c cat sweater, flats, and red lipstick!
'Perfect!' You think to yourself.
"Oh wow! You look so good y/n!" Kouzue states in awe.
"Aw thanks! I see you're looking good as always! Trying to impress my bro and become my new sister?" You ask with a friendly laugh.
Kouzue blushes and laughs with you as you both begin to head to the cafe.
"So y/n, when are you going to tell Hanayama how you feel?"
"W-what are you talking about?!?!? Hahaha!!" You laugh awkwardly while blushing.
"Y/n we all know you like him, just tell him! I know he feels the same way about you, I see the way he stares at you!" Kouzue stated.
"Really? Well, maybe I will!" You exclaim, ready to tell your crush how you feel.
Just as you and kouzue see Baki and Hanayama outside the cafe a 2 men jump in front of you.
"Hey there ladies, you both look awful lonely, want some company?" The fist creep asked while grabbing kouzues arm.
"Oi let her go!" You yell as You kick the guy in the jaw.
"Ouch! You bitch!" He screams in pain and you signal kouzue to run.
She runs around him and the other guy try's to grab you but barley does and ends up grabbing the back of your cat and ripping it off you, leaving you in just your bra and bottom half of your kitten dress/sweater.
"MY NEW OUTFIT!!" You scream in frustration with tears in the corner of your eyes.
You kick the guy in the stomach right as he pulls a knife and just barley scratches you with it. Then suddenly the first creep grabs you from behind and lifts you off the ground as you kick and scream.
"Get your filthy hands off of her.NOW" you hear a very angry voice threaten.
Both men laugh, but when they look up to see and VERY pissed of yakuza, they realized. They fucked up.
Hanayama grabs both men and looks at you as you fall to the ground with a cut on your face and clothes completely ripped.
Hanayama POV
'I wonder where y/n is? God, she's all I've been thinking of lately. Baki claims she's in love with me but I'm just not sure. Hopefully I'll be able to tell her today how I feel' I think to myself. Suddenly we see kouzue running up to us.
"Hey kouzue, what wrong?" Baki asks worried.
"2 men...scary...y/n...help" Kouzue says out of breath and scared.
My eyes widen on hearing y/n's name. Kouzue tells us where y/n is at and I run towards the direction without a second thought.
Suddenly I see 2 men, with y/n who has ripped clothing and a cut on her face.
Oh hell no.
"Get your filthy hands off her. NOW" both men laugh, but when they turn around and see me they both grew pale.
Grabbing them both, y/n falls to the ground and when I see those tears in her eyes, OH HELL NO.
"DONT YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER! I will KILL YOU!" I yell in anger while I break their arms.
"Hanayama stop! Please!" You yell before it gets worse. Hanayama stops seeing your worried face. Both men are dropped and they run away screaming.
"Y/n..." Hanayama murmurs your name and suddenly brings you into a warm hug. Considers you only barley reach his chest he bends down and holds you securely in his arms.
"Thank you..." you whisper to him.
Suddenly Baki and kouzue run over.
"Sis! You okay?! What the hell?! Where are those assholes??!!" Baki questions, angry they got away.
"It's okay, they're gone. Hanayama took care of them...OMGIMALMOSTNAKED" you scream in realization and embarrassment.
You try to cover yourself when suddenly and very large jacket is thrown over you.
You glance at a now jacketless Hanayama and you see his cheeks are slightly red.
In the corner of your eyes you see Baki and Kouzue smirk and Baki then says "hey Hanayama, can you take care of my sis? Thanks man!" And runs off with kouzue.
You both stare at the retreating figures and you begin to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Hanayama questions
"Oh nothing! I know he did that just so I'd admit my feelings for you." You laugh and then realize what you said.
Shit. This is it. You were gonna die of embarrassment. Way to go y/n.
Just as you begin to think of ways you wanna die you're lifted from the ground and brought into a passionate kiss.
Your eyes widen when you realize what's happening.
"Y/n, I care about you very much and I'd love to have you by my side. Please be mine?" Hanayama asks with a slight blush.
You look at him and pull him into another kiss.
You both smile knowing, that your crush likes you back.

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