Hanayama karou x reader part 2

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"So you've never been to school?" Karou asks.
"Nope! Am I supposed to?" You question. Karou then walks back inside his house. "WHAT?!" You hear someone holler, and a few minutes later his mother rushes out, picks you up, and brings you into their home.

^15 minuet time skip^
You're now dressed in a uniform and are given a backpack.
"Well, looks like I get to go to school with you!" You exclaim happily.
Karou smiles and nods as you both head to class.
After about 30 minutes of your teacher trying to figure out who you are, 3 phone calls, and a distraught principal, you're officially enrolled.
You and karou have every class together and you both partner up for projects.
You hear the bell ring for recess and as you and karou are walking through the hall, you inform him "I gotta pee! Be right back! Wait for me" You holler as you rush off.
Karou waits patiently, unaware of the older kids approaching him.
"Aaah! Much better" you say aloud.
You look to where you left karou and notice all the older kids kicking him.
"Yeah freak! Bet you can't hurt all of us!" One boy states.
Karou has his eyes shut tightly, taking each kick.
You narrow your eyes.
"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" You scream out rushing 2 of the boys.
You kick on in the knees and he drops, the other gets a punch to the stomach.
"Uuuugh! Shit!" They groan in pain.
The last boy turns to you, but before he can grab you, you punch him right in between the legs.
"AAAAAHHHH!" His voice cracks.
You quickly grab Karous hand and you both run to the school yard.
"Whew! We got away! Are you okay ka-Chan?" You ask, worried about your friend.
Karou doesn't answer, as he just stares at you, eyes wide and a small blush on his face.
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Where'd you learn to do that?" He asks.
"Oh, uh my dad and a few other family friends taught me. Kind of a family tradition to be able to fight." You explain, somewhat nervous he won't like that.
"Wow! That's so cool!" He exclaims excitedly.
You blush slightly while laughing.
And your day goes along normally.

^fast forward to the age of 13^
You've spent the past 7 years here. And honestly they've been the best 7 years ever! You've made friends, become top of your class (even skipping a few grades), and you get to be around karou everyday!
Currently, you and karou are hanging out in his mother's garden, surrounded by roses.
"Ah ka-Chan, did you see that?" You ask, as you point to the couple that just left his family's house.
He walks over and you both see them kiss.
"Yeah? What about it?" He asks with a raised brow.
"Well, why do they do that?" You ask, having been raised the way you were, affection like that was never really seen.
Karou blushes slightly, saying "w-well, people do that when they really like each other. It's a way to express love."
You stare at karou and then grin.
"So if I do that it'd be fine!"
"Yeah, Wait wh-" but before he could finish you cut him off with a peck on the lips.
Karou blushes majorly as you pull away.
"Idiot! Why'd you do that?" He hollers.
"Well, because....Iloveyou" you mumble out.
"You...love me?" He asks, unsure if he heard you right.
You nod your head and suddenly karou kisses you on your forehead.
"Good thing I feel the same" he states.
You smile happily, enjoying the little bit of time you have with him.
Karou had been busy lately, after his Father's mysterious death and his mother becoming ill, you haven't seen him much.
"Well, I have to go kitten, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks.
You laugh and nod, running back home.
"God what a ridiculous nickname hahaha!" You say aloud as you walk into your home.
"About time you came back" you hear the voice of none other, Yujiro hanma.
You run into the kitchen to see your father and "uncle".
"What do you two want?" You ask, getting straight to the point.
"You're going home to your mother to help train Baki" your father states.
"WHAT?! Why?!?! I like my life here! I'm not going!" You scream.
Yujiro glares and stands up  saying "you're going to go and that's final. Besides it'd be good for you to see your brother and mother again."
You glare at him before running directly at him and swinging your fist. It makes contact with his stomach, causing little damage.
"Well, looks like you've kept up your training. That actually hurt a little" he grins as he swings at you full force, knocking you out the door.
"Aaah!" You scream in pain, you can already feel the blood run down your arm.
"Y/n!" You hear the familiar voices of ka-Chan and his uncle.
"Sorry gentleman, but miss y/n is leaving with us. Farewell" your uncle states, lifting you in his arms.
You can hear karou protest and become angry.
"K-karou" you mumble out, as you fade out.

"Sis, wake up!"
"Baki, let her rest."
"Young miss, please wake up soon"
"Uuuugh" you groan as you sit up, unaware of where you're at.
"Ah, glad to see you awake! Oh my how you've grown!" You look over to see you're mother?
"Mom?" You ask, unsure.
"Oh you remember! Gosh it's been 7 years! And I know you've missed your brother! Baki come on in!" Your mother yells.
The door opens to reveal your 11 year old brother, who is sorta just staring at you.
"Well, it's about time sis!" He exclaims with a grin.
You smile back, happy to see him. That is until you realize what happened.
"W-Wait! Dad just dropped me off here?!"
"Well if course, your father wants you and Baki to continue training!"
"Damn...." you mumble under your breath.
"Well, I'll leave you and Baki alone now. I've got to go see if Yujiro is around still!" Your mother states happily, wanting to see the man who really only wanted her to bear his children.
"So sis, what's been going on?" Baki suddenly asks.
You then sit there and tell him about everything, including why you didn't want to leave.
"Sooo, you just confessed to "ka-Chan" you two kissed, and then when you got home father just brought you here?" Baki asks, making sure he got it right.
"Yep, but not before sending me through the damn door" you grumble out, still angry.
You and Baki then begin to catch up, him telling you about the training and whatnot.
At the end of the day, you and Baki both agree that he needs to become strong enough to beat dad.
"Although Baki, you need to become strong in your own way, you don't have to be like dad" you tell him, but he just waves you off.
You sigh, and decide to go to bed. Still upset you had to leave the place and person you loved.

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