Charles smith x reader (Arthurs sister)

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"Now Dutch, what do you propose we do?" Hosea asks, as he Dutch and Arthur ride around.
"Now Hosea, you know I ALWAYS have a plan my friend"
"Hold up Dutch, I know where we're going, do you really think she'll want to help?"
"Well, she is YOUR sister Arthur, so I hope so"

^timeskip to the guys arriving at your ranch^

You were out checking on the horses when suddenly one of your employees runs up saying "miss y/n, I hate to bother you but there's some...fellas lookin for ya" he looks a bit worried.
"No worries my friend, I'll check it out" you assure him.
As you walk towards the entrance of the ranch you see 3 familiar faces.
"Well I'll be, look what the cowboy drug in!" You holler in excitement to see your 3 favorite men.
"Haha y/n! So good to see you"
"Ah! My dear you look lovely as ever!"
"Hey sis, good ta see ya!"
All of them jump off the horses and give you hugs.
"So, what brings you lot here?" You ask, knowing this wasn't gonna be a courtesy visit.
"Well, you see..."
And so the explanation of how they ended up running from black water began.
You see, you yourself Used to belong to the Vander linde gang, But as you grew up Dutch and Hosea realize you had more potential going off to school so that's where they sent you. You learned every bit of the life of an outlaw and a scholar. You made lots of money and opened up a few ranches.
"I see, I'm sorry to hear about all that. Well, I'll help but ONLY on one condition" you inform.
"And that'd be?"
"I wanna join back with the gang!"
"Sis, I love you but don't you think you've been out of the gang a bit long?" Arthur asks, worried about what you're asking.
To prove your point you quickly grab a gun and shoot Arthur's hat off his head.
"Damn, never mind then haha!" Arthur states with a laugh.
"Ah, it'll be so nice to have the 4 of us together again" Hosea says, excited to have you back.
Dutch nods his head and you're on your way.
"Me. Jackson, you're in charge of the ranch. I trust you'll do well!" You inform your friend.
"O-of course ma'am, no worries!" He hollers.

^Timeskip to you all arriving back to camp, also you brought a cart full of pelts, meat, and medicine.^

You 4 ride into came, some of the members look at you in Suspicion, others in joy to have you back.
"Everyone! Gather around, I have wonderful news!" Dutch hollers, getting everyone's attention. You notice some familiar faces, and plenty of new ones. One face In particularly caught your eye. A very attractive man, with dark skin and long hair.
"Now, everyone! This here is y/n, y/n Morgan."
As soon as Dutch said that everyone looked at Arthur.
"Y'all heard right, she's my sister" Arthur states, snickering at the shocked expressions.
"Hello everyone, my name is y/n. I was a part of the gang years ago and now I'm back! I hope we all get along. And to prove that I'd like us all to get along I brought some supplies." At that moment Pearson was seen unloading your wagon full of, well everything! Everyone's happy to have the camp now fully stocked.
After introducing me to everyone, Arthur goes to the fire to drink.
"Hey Mary-Beth! I've got a question for ya" you say as you walk up to your old friend.
"Oh, what is it y/n?"
"What do you know about Charles?"
Mary-Beth gives you a sly look, "oh charles? Really now?"
"Oh hush!" You exclaim with a slight blush.
"Well, he's a nice man. Respectful, kind, and a good hunter"
"Mmm, sounds like my kind of man"
"Oh y/n! You're so bad haha"
You both giggle, but you were serious.

^the next morning^

You wake up and see Charles getting ready to go what looks like hunting.
"Hey Charles" You wave as you walk towards him.
"Good morning y/n, how'd you sleep?"
"I slept well, by the way are you going hunting?"
Charles nods his head, you then ask "would you like some company?"
Charles smiles a small smile and says "sure, why not. Although Where I am going is a narrow trail so we will have to share the same horse. Is that okay?"
You nod your head with a huge smile on your face.
"Let me grab my bag and bow and we can head out" you tell him.
"Alright, are you ready?" Charles inquires.
"Yes sir! Let's head out!" You exclaim, excited to go hunting with Charles.
He hops on Taima and grabs your hand to pull you up.
'His hands are so big, and warm too' you think to yourself with a slight blush.
"Alright hang on"

^timeskip to you and Charles almost to the hunting location ^

"So Charles, do you mind conversation or do you prefer silence?" You ask.
"Usually silence, but you have a nice voice so it's fine" Charles replies without thinking.
'Thank god she can't see my face' he thinks.
"Well thank you, so Charles how'd you end up here?"
And that question created more questions, Charles even asked you about your personal life. You both talked like you'd known each other your whole lives, it was nice.

"You know y/n, I've never spoken so casually with someone I just met. It's nice"
"Same here Charles, you have a nice aura around you. You're very easy to talk to" you reply, happy he feels the same.

^another wonderful timeskip to you and Charles settling in for the night, after killing about 5 deer and a wolf^

"We did pretty well!" You exclaim, proud.
"We did, I'm surprised you can hunt that well. Considering I had to reteach Arthur haha" Charles explains with a laugh.
You both begin to laugh at the thought of your poor brother.
"Yeah well, I'm a fast learner. I've been hunting for a while." You tell him.

You both sit in silence, just enjoying the others company.

"So Charles"
"So y/n"
You both say at the same time.
"you go first y/n" Charles says.
"Well Charles, I know it's probably sudden but I actually like you a whole lot. You're such a kind man, and I was curious if you'd like to go riding with me one day?" You ask at the end, a huge blush on your face.
Charles chuckles before walking over and grabbing your face.
"I'd like that, it's a date" and he finishes with a kiss.
"Mmm" You hum out, happy about the way this turned out.

Best hunting trip EVER!

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