Lord frieza x reader (lord beerus daughter)

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This was requested by @EstellaTores182
I hope you like it!
Please feel free to send me requests y'all!
Anyways enjoy~

(This is set before vegeta went to earth just so everyone knows)

"Y/NNNNN! Let's go!" Your father shouts, ready to get going. Who is your dad? Well none other than lord beerus.
That's right, you are the child of the God of Destruction.
"Okay okay, jeez. Don't get your tail in a knot" you respond, annoyed that you were woken up from your nap. Whis smiles at you as you and your father both yawn and stretch at the same time.
"All right, let's go then" Whis states, using his staff to send us to our destination.
After about 10 minutes in You ask "so where exactly are we going?"
"Well, we're going to make a surprise visit and see cold and his children" you dad states, a small smirk playing on his lips.
You quirk a brow before asking "and who's cold? What are his kids like?"
But both men laugh without answering your question.
'Oh well, guess I'll find out when we get there' you think to yourself.
After around 20 minutes you all arrive on a giant spaceship.
"Ooooh, nice" you say aloud, eyes wide with curiosity.
"Come Whis, lets go see if Cold has any food for us" Beerus states as he bigs to walk through the ship.
"Oh y/n, go ahead and explore. And if ANYONE causes you problems come tell your papa and I'll destroy them" your dad states as he and Whis turn a corner and leave you.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! What am I supposed to do now?!?!" You screech, angry that you have no ideas where you are or what to do.
You take a deep breath, deciding that calming down would be best.
"Hmm, lets see...I'll goooo this way" you say aloud pointing down a random hall.

"L-LORD BEERUS! You're here early! W-welcome, please have a seat!" King Cold stutters out, struggling to gain his composure.
Beerus and Whis both sit as good is brought out.
"S-So lord beerus, how was your trip? Not to far right?" King cold asks, hoping to start a decent conversation.
"Hmph, it was fine. Although my daughter seemed more excited about this shop than I" Beerus states, taking a bite of the food.
"Ah I see, that's good-DAUGHTER?!" King cold starts, but is left in shock after he realizes what was said.
"Ah yes, no ones met her before. She's wandering the ship right now. She's got h/l h/c and is wearing her favorite outfit(the choice is yours). That's not a problem is it?" Beerus asks, glaring slightly at the larger, but less powerful alien.
"No sir! Of course not! I just was unaware you had a child" king cold states.
"Well now that you know, BRING ME MORE FOOD!"

^okay back to you~^

"Man, this really is a big ship" you say aloud, just wandering the halls. You stop when you hear voices.
"Lord Frieza, you must let us show you our new pose! You won't be disappointed!"
'New pose?' You wonder to yourself. You peak around the corner and see a bunch of men in similar uniforms alone with one man floating on some hover craft??
Suddenly the men in the matching uniforms start stating their names and doing really hilarious poses!
They all turn and look at you.
"Pfft...HAHAHA!!! Oh I can't breath!!hahaha!" You burst out laughing walking out from behind the corner.
All the men doing the poses glare slightly at you for laughing.
You walk over to the group as they all think the same thing, 'who is she?'
You stand next to the guy in the floating thing.
"Yo" you greet, shooting the peace sign.
The man floating next to you asks "and who are you?"
"Well that's rude, you should introduce yourself before suddenly asking who I am" you lazily reply.
The other men gasp at your rudeness before a small green guy runs at you shouting "you will NOT disrespect lord frieza!!"
You simply kick him and his back hits the wall, cracking it and knocking him out.
Everyone is left shocked, except lord frieza who looks impressed.
"My my, that is some strength. But you're right, forgive my rudeness. My name is lord frieza and this is my ship, now your turn my dear" He states smoothly.
You blush slightly before stating "m-my name is y/n. I came here with my father and uncle" (you consider Whis an uncle)
"Oh I see, and who exactly is your father?" Lord frieza questions.
"Oh! Lord beerus" you simply state.
Friezas eyes widen and he's left speechless.
'Lord beerus has a child?! SHE is his child?! She's so beautiful...Wait what am I thinking?!'
You glance at lord frieza, slightly worried about his silence. The ginyu forces jaws drop as you hop on the floaty thing and pretty much sit on lord friezas lap.
"Hey...you okay?" You ask, poking his cheeks and the tips of his horns. You blush looking at his oddly handsome face.
Lord frieza shakes his head before glancing at you, realization of what's happening setting in.
"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He hollers, a blush forming on his cheeks.
"IM TEYING TO GET YOU OUT OF SHOCK!" You scream back, face just as red.
The ginyu force are all just staring in shock and amusement.
Lord frieza sees that and screams "GET BACK TO TRINING OR ELSE!" All the men then run off to who knows where.
"So, are you done yelling now?" You ask, as you begin to draw shapes on his arm.
"Y-Yes, but what exactly ARE you doing?" He asks, surprisingly calming down.
"Oh this? I do this to help my dad calm down, he chills out of I draw shapes on his arm" You explain.
Frieza hums in acknowledgement, enjoying the feeling of you this close to him.
"So, care to tell me more about yourself?" He asks, wanting to learn everything he can.
You smile brightly before saying "sure! But only if I get to ride on this while you give me a tour of the ship~"
Frieza chuckles before saying "you drive a hard bargain, but I agree to your terms"

^timeskip to about an hour later^
"Hahaha are you serious?!" You exclaim while laughing loudly at the story frieza just told you.
"Haha oh yes my dear, I am" he responds, chuckling at your adorable laugh.
"*yawn* I'm sleepy..." You mutter out, you then swing your legs across friezas lap, before snuggling into his chest.
Frieza blushes at your actions.
"Damn...why are you so adorable? And why must you be lord beerus's daughter?" Frieza mutters out.
'I really like her' he thinks to himself, knowing his actions and feelings are way out of character for him. But he can't help it. In the short time you've known each other, you've managed to steal his heart.
"Mmm, you're warm...and quite adorable too.." You mutter out, a smirk on your lips.
You hear frieza gasp quietly and before he can respond you decide 'fuck it'.
You open your eyes and lean upwards and kiss frieza.
Friezas eyes are wide before the slowly close, enjoying the taste of your soft lips against his.
You deepen the kiss, slipping your Your tongue into his mouth. He opens up and war ensues, frieza winning and his wet muscle begins to explore your mouth.
You then nibble on friezas lower lip and he lets out a groan before pulling away.
Your face bursts into flames as you glance everywhere but at frieza, slightly embarrassed by the sound he made.
"That was...amazing" he mutters out, before kissing you once more. This time leaving you surprised.
You smile and wrap your arms around his neck.
Suddenly you both pull away hearing "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!"
'Uh-oh' you both think to yourselves.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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