Hanayama karou x reader part 1

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Y/n hanma, daughter of Yujiro Hanma and Bakis sister.
But let's rewind a bit a take a look into the past.
*6 year old you*
"B-but dad, I don't wanna move again! We keep traveling and I can't make any friends!" You holler, upset at yet another trip.
"Why can't I go home to mama and Baki?" You ask.
Your dad narrows his eyes and says "because, you need to continue training if you ever wanna get stronger. Baki will be training soon enough."
You narrow your eyes as well and you both begin to glare. You're the only person brave enough to even look the ogre in the eyes. After 10 minutes of glaring yujro grins and ruffles your hair. For some reason you're the only one he actually treats decently.
You decide to go to sleep as the car starts.

^mini time skip^

You wake up to the feeling of someone carrying you.
"Mmm, daddy...." you mumble and attempt to go back to sleep.
You're then dropped on a bed.
"Oof!" You're awake now.
"Y/n, you'll be staying in this house while I'm gone. There's plenty of food and water." You're father states as he begins to walk out.
You wait a moment before screaming "YOU'RE JUST GONNA LEAVE A 6 YEAR OLD ALONE?!?! Baka papa!!!"
Yujiro smirks before waving bye, and before you know it he's gone.
You look down and sigh, sadly used to his crap.
You go outside and realize the house is actually pretty nice and the area is as well.
When you exit the gate you notice a bunch of kids playing with some toys.
'Maybe this'll be my chance at making friends!' You think happily to yourself.
As you cross the street to see the other kids and notice they're backing away from something??
"Hi! My names-" but you're cut off as all the kids run away screaming about a monster?
As they all run away you're left alone, or you think you are.
"Huh? Who're you?" You look up to see a boy around your age surrounded by broken toys.
"Oh...umm...m-my names y/n..." you stutter out, you're confidence gone.
The boy just stares before smiling slightly and saying "well my names Hanayama Karou, nice to meet you y/n"
You smile at him and ask "so, why'd all the other kids run away?"
His smile fades as he states "they all think I'm a monster because my grip is really strong and I break things"
It gets quiet for a minute.
"Hahahaha! That's a dumb reason! You're no monster! And besides you're strength is cool!" You laugh aloud, giggling at what he told you.
Karous eyes widen and he doesn't even know what to say.
"Wow, you're the only one other than my family to say I'm not a monster..." he says, amazed.
"Well, would you like to be my friend y/n?" He suddenly asks.
Your giggles come to a halt as you are now left speechless.
"Really? Me?" You ask. He nods his head and you scream "YES! I've never had a friend!! Woohoo!" You run and jump on top of karou, knocking you both down.
"Hehe whoops! Sorry ka-Chan!" You apologize.
"Ka-Chan?" He questions.
"Y-Yeah! Sorry! I just thought it'd be a nice nickname." You explain.
"Okay fine, but that means I get give YOU a nickname!" He exclaims.
You nod you're head in affirmation.
Before you know it, you've two have been playing for hours.
Both of you laughing and talking. Karou showing you his strong grip on his toy, you showing him your gymnastics.(since Yujiro was a dancer I assume he'd put his daughter in gymnastics)

"Young master! It's time to come home." A man in a suit states as he runs over.
"But we're not done playing." Karou says.
The man glances at me as I peak out from behind a tree.
"Well in that case, would your friend like to come to dinner?" He asks, glancing at you.
They both look at me and I step out, a small blush on my face.
"Y-Yes sir, that'd be nice" You tell him.
"Good, come along then children" he tells us as he walks away.
Karou grabs my hand and quickly pulls me over to his home. 'Apparently he's my neighbor' you think happily to yourself.
We both walk into a room where there is a man and woman, sitting at a table.
"Ah karou! There you are" the woman excitedly states, holding her arms out as karou runs in them for a hug.
'Must be nice....' you think to yourself, slightly saddened at the thought.
The man looks up and asks "who is this?"
"Ah! Mom, father! This is my new friend y/n, she's staying for dinner! Y/n these are my parents." Karou introduces.
You now your head in respect and greet them.
"H-hello, it's an honor to meet you both. Thank you for allowing me into your home"
"My! How respectful, come in dear, please sit down and eat." Karous mother tells you.
You go and sit next to karou and you all begin to eat.
"So y/n, you just moved in next door correct?" Karous father asks.
"Yes sir, it was my father and I but he went on a, Uh, trip" you explain, not able to really tell them where he went.
"I see, so who's watching you dear?" His mother asks.
"Uuuuh myself?" You answer, unsure.
Both parents look up shocked.
"What?! You're alone! Oh no!" Karous mother begins to fret over you.
"Oh it's fine, it's not the first time he's done this. I'd like to think I'm pretty capable" you state, hoping to ease the women's nerves.
"Well y/n, if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to come over here Okay?" His mother tells you.
You nod your head and you all finish eating.
"Bye ka-Chan! See you tomorrow!" You wave as you leave.
Karou waves goodbye as well, excited to see his new friend once again.

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