Hanayama Karou x reader (fluff?lemonish?)

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You and Hanayama are already together in this one!

"Karou~" you sing aloud as you enter the mansion of your lovely boyfriend. Upon entering multiple people greet you as you walk up the stairs.
"Ah y/n-San how are you?" One of Karous 'employees' ask.
"I good, and you?" You reply politely
"I'm good, are you looking for the boss?" He asksas he follows you through the mansion. You nod your head and he motions for you to follow him.
Suddenly you're brought to a room you've never seen before?
"What's this?" You ask.
"Go on in, the boss informed me on where to bring you" he stated with a smile.
You open the door and you.are.shook.
Hanayama Karou
One of the yakuza bosses
One of the strongest fighters in japan
Has decked out a room with pictures of you and him from all your dates, to pictures of all of yours and his friends.
"Oh, this is so wonderful!" You squeal in excitement as you run around looking at all the photos.
Hanayama has a small smile on his face, happy to see you happy.
"I'm glad you like it, I also put in a new tv and some of your favorite games. Also I had one of the maids put all the clothes you've ever left here in those dressers" Hanayama explains, as he points to where everything is.
"Karou, as grateful as I am. Why did you do all this?" You ask, curious about his motives.
"Well, you see y/n I realized I hate not waking up to you everyday. I hate not knowing if you're safe or not. So this is my way of asking you to move in with me. I know you want Baki (your brother btw) to have his own independence so I thought this might be the best way." As Karou finishes his speech, you are left speechless.
1. You've never heard Karou speak that much at once.
2. He wants you to move in.

"Of course I'll move in with you! But you do realize I'll be sneaking into your room at night though right" You state with a flirtatious smirk.
Hanayama smirks back at you and says "why do you think I got a double king sized bed? This is OUR room now."
You squeal once again in happiness and run over and hug your amazing boyfriend.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou" You exclaim over and over.
Chuckling, Hanayama lifts you into his arms and kisses you.
"Thank-mmph!" You're left shocked for a second but soon enough you're returning this kiss.
"Mmm" you moan into as you run your fingers through Karous midnight colored hair.
Your hand begins to trace the scars on his face as the other grips his hair.
Hanayama groans but pulls away suddenly.
"T-that's one way to celebrate me moving in" You state, trying to catch your breath.
Karou smirks before stating "before we do any of that, I was curious if you'd like to go to dinner?"
"Of course! What time?"
"In about 3 hours, We can try that new place downtown and then maybe go to a bar?" Karou suggests.
"Sounds good ka-chan~" you sing to him.
Hanayama chuckles at your antics and suggests a shower.
"Would you like to join me?" You ask, eyes glazing with slight lust.
With a nod Hanayama follows you to the bathroom.

~timeskip to the restaurant! I'll write a part 2 lemon later~

"Wow karou, good choice! This food is delicious!" You exclaim as you finish y/f/f.
Karou and you finish eating in a relaxing silence, just enjoying each others company.
"Yo, sis! Hanayama!" You hear the oh so familiar voice of your younger brother, baki hanma.
Karou smiles at Baki with a wave as you turn in your seat to see he and Kouzue walking towards you.
"Baki! Kouzue! What are are you two doing here?" You ask as you stand up to hug them both.
"Well, I planned to take Kouzue here but it seems they're packed" Baki explains with an exasperated sigh. You look around noticing that he is indeed correct.
"You both could always sit with us" karou states, looking at you as you nod your head.
"O-oh no! We don't wanna ruin your date y/n" Kouzue exclaims as she gets slightly flustered.
"Nonsense! Waiter, could we please get 2 more chairs for our friends?" You ask politely at the passing waiter.
"Of course madame" he states as he grabs to chairs from the back.
Once seated you decide to move your chair next to Hanayama so Baki can sit next to Kouzue.
Baki and Kouzue order as you all begin to talk about anything and everything.
"Wait, that really happened?!"
"Uh-huh! You should've see her face!"
"So you heard about the new tournament?"
"I did, I hope to see you there"
"You should've seen bakis face! Cake everywhere hahah!"
"Oh my hahahaha"
"Hah sounds about right"
The night begins to come to an end and you realize it's already 9:30.
"Hey ka-Chan, you ready to go to the bar?" You ask, ready to get your drink on.
"Hey, what bar are y'all going to?" Baki asks, now interested in getting booze.
"The one downtown, wanna come?" You offer as Kouzue nods her head in excitement.
This was the first time the 4 of you have gone out, ever!
So instead of driving you all decide to walk since it's only about a 15 minute walk from the restaurant.
You and Kouzue walk next to each other as Baki and karou begin to discuss the new tournament.
"So y/n, is it true you and Hanayama are living together now?"
"Yes it is! He made us a room, with all our favorite things!"
"Aww! That's so exciting! You two have been together for a while huh?"
"About 2 years now, god where does the time go haha!"
"Haha you're telling me!"
"So what's going on with you and Baki? 😏"
Kouzues face turns bright red as you mention your brother, you smirk as she tells you all the details.
"AAAAAHHHHH" You scream in joy, scaring karou and Baki.
"I'm so happy! BAKI HANMA IF YOU HURT THIS POOR GIRL ILL HURT YOU! You'll be like the sister I always wanted" You exclaim.
Everyone laughs at your antics.
Finally, you all get to the bar and you see the guy checking ID's.
'Shit, Kouzue and Baki are under 18' you think bitterly to yourself. You all walk up and as soon as the bouncer sees Baki and Hanayama his jaw drops.
"I-it's your two! I saw you both at the underground tournament! Please come in come in!" The bouncer stutters out like a fanboy.
You and Kouzue glance at the guys and they both just shrug.

~timeskip to you and kouzue getting SHITFACED~

"Woooohooooo, y/n! This s-stuff is AmAzIng" Kouzue slurs out giggling to herself as she clings to you. You both are drunk and looking good~ Kouzue is wearing a cute red tank top with black shorts, while you are wearing a skimpy yet classy black dress.
You grab 2 more shots from the bar and you hand one to Kouzue.
"3, 2, 1, shoot!" You both take the shots like champs, you making a f ace at the sting alcohol.
"OMG BAKI LETS DANCE" You hear Kouzue holler as she clings to Baki, who thankfully is waaaaay more sober than either of you. You glance over at the bar and see karou grabbing another beer. As soon as you make eye contact you smirk and strut up to him. Hanayama smirks seeing his girlfriend walk up to him looking so delicious~.
You sit at the bar and wave for another drink. As soon as you do though a hind is on your waist.
"Well hey there sexy~ how you doin'?" Some random man asks.
"Well I'd be better if you weren't touching me" You state, annoyed that he thinks he can touch you.
"Aaaah don't be such a bitch"
"I have a boyfriend"
"Well obviously your boyfriend needs to love you some more, so then you wouldn't be such a prude"
"DONT talk about MY man that way, and LET GO OF ME!" You yell in this assholes face.
Right then a shadow looms over you and you smirk seeing the mans face pale.
"She said don't touch her, now GO!" Karou shouts as he lifts the man easily with one hand and throws him across the bar. All the patrons stop and stare before going back to dancing and drinking.
"Thanks babe, he would-" you're cut off by karou slamming his lips against yours.
Hanayama deepens the kiss slightly before pulling away.
You notice karou has a small, tiny blush on his face. You smirk and give him your most innocent face and bat your eyes at him saying "ka-Chan, that was soooo scary! Please, take me home. *whisper* I want you so badly ~" while tracing your hand up his thigh.
Karous eyes widen before he slams cash on the bar and puts you over his shoulder.
"Wash! Ka-Chan!" You holler in surprise.
"Wooo! You go girl" you hear drunk kouzue holler as Baki gives you a shit eating grin while escorting her out.

"So, you think it's okay to tease me all day huh? Well I'm gonna show you what happens to those who need a little, punishment" Karous explains as he smacks your ass.
'Ooooh boy, what have I done?' You think happily to yourself.

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