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Galeem: The embodiment of all light in the Nintendo universe. Not as nice as you expected as he committed a Thanos and turned everyone into dust except for Kirby. Is at constant war with Dharkon and commands an army of hands which seems pretty impressive.

Galleom: A mixed up cyborg that seems more robot than whatever the heck he was previously. A giant mass of clunk and madness debuting from the subspace emissary, Galleom is a perfectly designed boss from and for the smash games.

Gamer: The story of a young boy that wants nothing but to play Warioware games all day but is being harassed by his mother who disagrees with his motive for life. Of course, this gets too far and his mother goes on to jumpscaring her son via door, window and digitizing herself into household appliances. Kind of a creepy and scary story but has some pretty cool beats. 

Ganon: Also known as beast ganon or Ganondorf's final smash, Ganon is a force to be reckoned with. The fact that you can only damage him by hitting his tail is a great reference from the fight in his previous Legend of Zelda installments. This means that you need to get over him to attack him from behind while dodging his rams and his giant dual blades that he wields as he attempts to crush you. Probably one of the hardest bosses you will face in this game.

Ganondorf: The main antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. He is the evil in the kingdom of Hyrule and incarnates whenever he's killed so he can attack kids dressed up as elves. He almost always fails and even if he succeeds he usually gets slain anyway. He wields the triforce of power and no one knows why no one has ever stripped him of it and kept it in safekeeping. His incarnations, which appear every 100 years, are surprisingly unfortunate. Once he incarnated into a pig! How are you going to kill a kid when you're a pig! His final smash transforms into beast ganon, one of his incarnations, and sprints off screen dragging anyone caught in it to their grave.

Garden of Hope: Supposed to increase your hope on life and self worth whenever you visit this beautiful garden from the Pikmin series. However, after you turn stage hazards back on, it does the opposite in the act of a bunch of vile beasts ramming into you and attempting to kill and gobble up all your adorable Pikmin. 

Gardevoir: A humble and kind Pokemon that is loyal to their trainer. There are other traits to this Pokemon but I will not describe them because I'm not willing to write... explicit content.

Garreg Mach Monastery: The main hub for the game, Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Kind of like a miniature castle that has several little locations such as a bridge, church and Coles. In smash, the stage cycles between these locations from the game while still holding onto a realistic perspective. Realistic perspective as in transparent magical platforms, furniture that can be destroyed and cameos from the members of the three houses.

Gaur Plain: An amazing landscape from the Xenoblade Chronicles series. Mostly only known for it's music and not the actual stage or location.

Genesect: A living weapon in the form of a resurrected Pokemon species that was saved from extinction. The result was Genesect which is a giant bug with a cannon on it's back that fires laser beams of all kinds. A bit like the terminator if you think about it.

Gerudo Valley: Another stage that is also mostly known for it's music. Gerudo Valley is the home for the Gerudo people which consists of only females apart from Ganondorf who is the only male. Kind of depressing that they only get one male and it ends up being Ganondorf. And that 's why the Gerudo people keep trying to seduce Link into whatever they are wanting to do.

Ghirahim: A cocky bluffing villain that thinks he's superior then everyone else. Come on, we've all seen this type of idiot in our lives. Ghirahim is this character from the Legend of Zelda series but unlike most of these idiots who are actually just truly pathetic, Ghirahim is a force to be reckoned with. He is the demon lord of Hyrule and is considered one of the main antagonists other than Ganondorf who randomly incarnates every hundred years.

Ghosts: The ghosts from the Pac Man series are an interesting bunch. They all have their own personalities and their own style on murdering Pac Man which makes them all special and unique.

Giga Bowser: As we all know and everyone that read section B, Giga Bowser is just super saiyan Bowser. He's meaner, greener and even pulled off that hair that we thought only Goku and Dragonball friends could pull off. In all honesty though, he's just bigger Bowser.

Giratina: The true force of darkness in the Pokemon world. This legendary pokemon is antimatter itself and it's home is in the distorted dimension which defies the law of physics, life itself and presidential elections which is a pro actually because voting for those thing are just annoying on some days and Donald Trump is not there. It has two forms, it's original and the form it has given itself after being in the Distorted Dimension for so long.

Gogoat: A pokemon that is often used for human labor such as transport of people and goods than actual battling. This is seen in smash where it can carry you when it runs and rams your opponents all over the stage.

Goldeen: A better looking version of Magikarp.

Golden Hammer: Once your hammer powers up in the game Wrecking Crew, it turns into this bad boi. In smash, it sits neatly on it's pedestal waiting for someone worthy to wield it... or anyone who grabs it first. Once the Golden Hammer is activated it is unstoppable... unless you're a newcomer and fall off the stage immediately and don't recover.

Golden Plains: The plains in which New Super Mario Bros 2 takes place in. Continues the act of coin overload which it's original game had started and something we don't need to see again. Also it's an auto scroller and we all know how we feel about that.

Gooey Bomb: A throw able bomb that sticks on a surface and waits for something to interact with it before detonating.

Grass: Pull grass out in games from the Mario series and you might be treated with a nice coin or item. It's practically just another version of the crate.

Gray Fox: Your average messed up human experiment that turns into a mercenary type of guy. He didn't really try to take revenge though as he's actually decent in the Metal Gear games and he helped Snake once. He still kills though for money so he's not far from the Deadpool tree.

Great Bay: Just a normal bay with a bauble shaped hut, a giant turtle and a lot of spots to drown in. Looks much brighter and friendlier then the actual location in the Legend of Zelda games.

Great Plateau Tower: The first Sheikah tower that you summon in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. A really iconic place for people that follow the series, it is absolutely magnificent to visit and fight on and is one of the many wonders that the open world game has to offer.

Green Greens: Based on the level of the same name from the Kirby series. Very gimmicky and is only for people who like absolutely crazy stages. Not to say it isn't fun though as it's great for casual smash.

Green Hill Zone: The first level for all Sonic games. Very well known as almost all Sonic games and merchandises only promote this zone in the background of any said game poster or merchandise. In fact some people think that this zone is the only zone that exists in the Sonic games.

Green Shell: A very well known item from the Mario series. It was originally the shell of a normal green koopa trooper but after spin off games such as Mario Kart included items in the mix, the green shell appeared quite a lot as it's own significant being. In all these games, it was the equivalent to a bullet in the Mario universe and that was deemed very important. There have even been variations such as the red shell, the triple green shell and the infamous blue shell which Nintendo ditched from Smash Ultimate's items because it was too damn annoying.

Greninja: The final evolution of the water starter of the sixth generation of Pokemon. Very popular in and out of the fanbase as he looks radical and can even dress up as Ash as Ashgreninja. Yes that's a real thing. His final smash sends his opponents into the air while slashing at them with his body and compressed water which actually is pretty cool.

Guile: One of the "good" fighters in the Street Fighter series. He has good intentions and a decent moveset but anyone who allegedly assaults someone else on the street is considered a a criminal in most countries. 

Gust Bellows: The overpowered item that pushes your opponents off the edge of the stage with a powerful gust of wind. In the Legend of Zelda series it was used mostly as a tool to blow sand off objects than an item but in smash it is used to blow people off the line of sanity and their existence to the universe.

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