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Venom: Not the slimy black dude from the Marvel series. No, this Venom is a planet from the Starfox series that serves as the home base for Andross and works just like the lava filled final world of most games. The planet used to be a peaceful luscious location but it was turned inside out into an area of spewing volcanoes. In smash you fight on type of a jet fighter on the planet which raises the question as of how you have not gotten burnt to a crisp for being so close to lava.

Victini: The mythical pokemon of victory. One of the hardest pokemon to get from it's base series as it was one of those event pokemons much like Celebi. Still possible to find in the wild though, I think. In smash, Victini has a very rare chance to appear but if it does it will significantly increase your battle stats.

Villager: The  friendly (debatable) avatar from the Animal Crossing series and the source for many horrific material that I can't show because this is not R rated. That and "villager" is a bit too generic for a name. The villagers and their games are probably the most social form of network between fans that Nintendo has ever created and that's probably why not much people liked the Mii games. When he was first revealed in smash people believed this character was pretty much going to be useless and... they were not far from wrong. But it showed that Villager had a more violent side, one you could not see through his merciless eyes. Villager's final smash is to summon the Nooks as they build rental property around your opponent before blowing the whole estate up. Talk about bloody.

Vince: The Mii artist who helps run Nintendo's art classes. This guy's mii outfit has apparently been so popular that he is now an assist trophy and kind of a meme. I said kind of, he still has a long way to go. When being summoned, Vince paints large disturbing objects on you so it would be hard for people to predict your next move. But it's also hard for you to predict what you're actually doing.

Vulpix: Probably one of the most known pokemons thanks to the anime. Vulpix could be described as a red fox that breathes fire and does other pyro- related abilities. In smash it's just a virtual flamethrower.

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