My sister punched someone in the face

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My sister and her friend were standing near a river at a park while my friend and I were sitting on a bench and her friend fell in the mud. Then these 10 or 11 year old boys start laughing saying she clapped her pants even though they saw her fall in. My sister walked up to them told them to be quite and then one of the boys got in her face and she punched him hard on the nose and it started to bleed. His friend said, "Are you ok?!" And then he said, "Get off me!" It was like watching a younger version of Hermione punching a younger version of Draco in the face.

The kid actually had bleach blond hair,was pale, and had grey eyes,

My sister has brown eyes,bushy hair, but it's literally a shade lighter Then Hermione's.

So it actually was.

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