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When Alex and I enter the club all I can smell is alcohol and sweat and I cringe at the scent. We make our way to bar and she orders for us. 4 shots of tequila and I instantly remember Edward at that bar on Thursday. I ignore the anger in my chest for that man and down the shots quickly before I can change my mind about them. They burn as they go down and I cringe at the feeling and taste.
I would have never done this if I hadn't met Alex, she really pulls me out of my shell. I'm starting to warm up to it. She orders 4 more shots and we down those too. I already begin to feel light headed and dazed.
She orders 2 vodka sours and hands me one after their made, we turn around on our seats and look around the crowd of people all grinding on each other. I can't tell if it's the drinks or not but it seems fun and I want to do it. I drink most of my drink and walk to the dance floor without thinking, grabbing Alex's hand and we begin dancing to the rhythm of the music. Alex laughs at my wild dance moves and I laugh too. I haven't had this much fun in a long time, it's refreshing almost.
I feel a body on mine and hands that wrap around my hips and I say nothing as I don't really care.
"Let me buy you a drink." the man's voice says in my ear and I nod, turning to him. He's kind of attractive, green eyes like I like and dark blonde hair. His smile is intoxicating. We walk to the bar and I order another vodka sour.

"So what's your name?" he asks as I take my drink.

"Mckayla. You?" I offer my hand to shake his.

"Jake, you're very pretty you know?" he asks as he drinks his beer.

"Thank you." I blush a little. I sip my drink some more before he places a hand on my thigh, he leans in a little closer to and I do too. What am I doing right now? I'm about to kiss a guy I barely know in the middle of a night club. This isn't the same Mckayla I use to be and I'm kind of liking her.
Our lips meet and we're kissing for a while before I pull away, I let out a breath and he stands me up. He's a good kisser and I kind of want more. I press my lips to him again and his hands slide down to my hips, thrusting his hips into mine and I moan into the kiss, I pull away, not being used to that sound coming from my lips. How have I changed this much in 3 days? This isn't me, this is the liquor coursing through my veins.

"Wanna go back to my place?" I ask breathlessly and I can feel butterflies in my stomach as I realize what I just offered. He nods and takes my hand, pulling me outside. The cool air feels good against my hot face as he calls a taxi. One pulls up and we get inside, I try my best to give him my address and when I do, Jake kisses me again as he rubs his hands up and down my thigh.
When we arrive, he pulls me from the cab and I lead him to my apartment, I open the door and from there we are on each other like animals. We end up on the couch, not being able to make it to the bedroom and soon my dress is on the floor.

My eyes pop open and I look around the bright room, I'm thankful that I'm in my own bedroom but no so much when I see a body next to me. Dark blonde air and a slightly tanned body. I remember him but I can't remember his name. I groan to myself and that seems to wake the man up. He turns to me and I close my eyes hoping he won't say anything to me.
I feel the bed move under him as he gets up. I can hear him getting dressed and I listen as he the door shuts.
Did I just have a one night stand? What the hell? I turn to look at my clock and it reads 11 am. I don't like this new me at all, I think I overdid it. I was only supposed to change my wardrobe and instead, I had sex with a complete stranger and I can't even remember his name.
Tomorrow at work I will have to tell Alex that I can't go out to bars with her because I don't like how it ends. I either get into rude conversations or I get drunk and have one night stands. This will not be happening again.
The worst part is it's already 11 and I'm supposed to go see my mom and brother for lunch today. God, they are going to think I'm a whore. I mean, I've only had sex with one other guy and that was my freshmen year of college, we had been dating for 4 months already and I thought we were in love, I was naive back then, he broke up with a month later and I swore off dating until after I graduated.

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