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It's been exactly 2 months to the date since I've seen Harry. I missed Christmas with him and ended up mailing Anne and Marcel's gifts to them and going to my brothers. I miss him very much but we needed this time apart because I felt like I owed him my life and a relationship just because he helped me get over his brother.
But the past two months have helped me realize that I want to date Harry, not just because I think owe him but because I actually do love him. Since school started again I've thrown myself into my studies so I can make it through the semester and graduate but at the same time I want Harry by my side, he graduates this year too and I want to see him at his graduation and him to be at mine.

I finally put my pride aside and text him, asking for him if it's okay to meet somewhere and catch up. He answers almost immediately, agreeing to meet at my apartment as soon as possible because he has some stuff he needs to say.
That brings my anxiety level up but I manage to calm myself before he knocks on my door. When he does I open the door, he looks good, it's been a long 2 months and his hair has grown a little more which makes him looker even more handsome in the face. My hair has also grown since I just cut it and I actually went and got it bleached and dyed to a white blonde, Alex thinks it's too bold but that's the point. I ended up not liking the brown much after a while.

I sit on the couch without saying a word and he sits down across from me.

"You dyed her hair again." He states, letting that be the first words he speaks to me in 2 months.

"I did." I nod. I'm surprisingly keeping calm as right now as much as I want to scream.

"Okay..." there's a long awkward pause but when he finally speaks, I'm ready for him to say what he needs to. "Look, Kay," He starts, saying that nickname he gave me that I haven't heard in forever, it seems like. "I'm so sorry for everything that happened. After you told me we needed time apart, I was so angry at you for kicking me out of your life after everything I had done for you. Then I realized, you needed your space. You were going through something that I didn't truly understand. And for me to make you feel like you needed to give me a relationship in return was so...scummy of me."
He pauses, looking in to my eyes. "And again, I'm sorry. But I've spent the last 2 months, figuring myself out. Figuring out, who exactly I want to be and what I wanna do. And I know that I want to be in your life, as your friend, boyfriend. Your shoulder to cry on, I want to be your everything and I know that sounds selfish but...look, Kay, I love you. So much." He finishes and I absorb all of it.

"Well, Harry. I love you too. I always will. You've been a big part of my life in this past year. And Ive realized something too." I say and clear my throat. "I've spent the last 2 months, working on school, so that I'm ready to graduate in the summer. But it's been so hard because my mind has been stuck on you. I thought...being away from you would hurt-and it did but it helped so much. It helped me realize that I can't be without you. Harry, you are exactly everything to me that you want to be. And I think, it'll be easier on the both of us if we just figure ourselves out together." I offer and his smile widens.

"I love you McKayla." He grins and comes across, to my seat.

"I love you too Harry." I repeat back to him. He pulls me in for a hug and we embrace for a long time, just enjoying each other's company. And then, he pulls away and we share a kiss. And I know, this is the start of something beautiful.

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