The final

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15 years later...

The funeral was small. Only few of us went, only the ones that I know he trusted.
I was hardly able to stand for the whole ceremony.
I had said a speech, but in all honesty I can't remember anything I said, or if I had said anything at all.
The only thing I could focus on was the shiny wooden casket that would be etched into my mind forever.
Because he was in there.
An option for the funeral was to have an open casket, but I knew I wouldn't be able too.

How would I possibly be able to look at the love of my life, lying dead in a casket while also looking like a wax figure.
That's not Theo to me. That's not him.
My Theo was alive. He might not have had the best temper, but he was mine, and I was his.
And I regret every single day that goes by, because I hadn't realized that until it was too late. And I will forever have to hold that guilt.
After the funeral, I had managed to make a tomb for everyone that we have lost.

Things got better after the Anuk-ite. More people knew who we were, but there was no fear in them. They soon understood that all we wanted to do was protect them, and that's exactly what we did.
We protected every human, and supernatural creature that we could.
Because Monroe had escaped, she had attempted to gather together another army, but on her own, apparently while all of us were busy with the anuk-ite, Kate (Allisons aunt who had turned into a were-jaguar) was busy sinking her jaguar like teeth into Gerard's neck.
It had taken a little while, but we were finally able to take down Monroe and put her behind bars, where she belongs.

A lot has happened in the last 15 years.
Scott and Malia have been together ever since the anuk-Ite, and are doing wonderful might I add.
Scott is now a veterinary, and took over the clinic, but has also specialized in supernatural creatures and healing techniques. When he is not working, he and Malia are exploring the world together, searching for new packs that might be in need of any help. Making sure that all of us stick together.
Melissa still works at the hospital, after a few more years they eventually gave her promotion after promotion and she is now apart of the hospital board, making plenty of money for her and her husband, Chris (A.K.A , Allison's Father).
Yeah... good luck with that one Scott.

Stiles is now an FBI agent, and is actually very good at his job. He had actually convinced the FBI to let him (a rookie) lead a few major cases, in which stiles solved them all. With a little help from us of course. I guess more cases are involved with the supernatural than I had thought. But while stiles is out kicking ass and putting bad guys behind bars, Lydia become a world known scientist. She even discovered a new element. Yeah, I'd say that she's pretty set In her life with stiles... and their beautiful daughter, Claudia. I can't even tell you how much I cried when I found out that Lydia was pregnant, I cried even more when I found out they were naming her after mom.
And I, have been spoiling that little nine year old since the day she was born. 
And yes. I said nine. I know, exciting right:)

Dad is still the sheriff of the police station, but is actually planning to retire next year.
He loves his life now, the relaxed life without having to worry about some major catastrophe happening in beacon hills.
And, dad even found himself a lady. She is very nice and I was certainly surprised to find out that she was an alpha of a pack in the Netherlands. They had traveled a long way to meet Scott and I, And when dad and her laid eyes on each other, sparks flew.
Of course he still loves mom, and he always will, but I am so happy that he's found love again.

Cori and mason are still together. They went to the same college and even worked at the same crappy fast food joint until they were able to move out of the dorms and get their own place.
They are now living happily together in Los Angeles, and they both run a museum on supernatural creatures that has actually skyrocketed. They've published books about experiences we all went through and have made it a far way in life, I couldn't be happier for them.

The Legacy: Moon Magic and You // Liam Dunbar/ Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now