There was a knock on my door, interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Molly, Jessica is here." my Aunt Kara says, obviously ecstatic that I have someone over.
I haven't had anyone over sine it happened.
Aunt Kara had asked me why 49 times before she understood that I wasen't going to answer her.
My aunt leaves, closing the door behind her.
Jessica takes one look at my face, and runs over to hug me.
Her special talent was reading expressions.
She took one look at my face and saw through the blank expression.
She saw the broken, depressed girl.
And then I started to cry.
I cried over everything.
Jessica held me in her arms the whole time.
And this is why I'm grateful for our friendship.
I'm grateful she doesn't hate me for not talking to her for over a year.
I almost lost the most important friendship in my life.
Because of it.
Short Story"The number 49 never used to have any significance in my life. It was always just the number after 48 and before 50. But that was before it happened."