Patton X reader (FLUFFYYYYY)

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(edited recently to fix mistakes)


Patton is one of my best friends, but I'd like more then that. I feel so weird when I'm around him, he just makes me so happy! My knees get really weak whenever he's close to me, to the point where I can't stand up or even bend my legs.

Patton makes me feel so wanted, It warms my heart whenever I see him. 


I walk into the living room to see no one "Guys, where are you?" I peer around the corner "I'm in here!" Patton giggles, I follow his voice and see him in the kitchen. "Where's everyone else?" I asked "They're all dropping off Joan at the airport, so they might not be back until.. 12 hours?" Patton smiles "I wanted to keep you company since both of us wouldn't of been able to go" he chuckles.

"Oh, thanks" I blush a little bit "Are you okay, Kiddo? Your face is turning red" he puts his hand to my forehead "Yeah, just- hot" I smile back. He hands me a plate full of my favorite food "I put a movie on for you, you just gotta turn the TV on when you're ready. I'll come sit with you in a second" I nod and go to sit on the couch.


After a few minutes, Patton joins me on the couch with his head snuggled against me. I begin to get flustered, I put my dirty plate on the table to clean up later. Patton finishes his too and puts his plate next to mine, reaching over me and falling into my lap.

I jolt back a little bit from the sudden movement but I quickly move back, Patton doesn't change from this position, he continues to lay in my lap. "Hehe, sorry. Do you mind if I stay like this for a while?" he asks. I nod. I like having him close to me.. 

"You look so cute" I cover my mouth as soon as I say that, "Thanks! you look adorable too, Kiddo!" he smiles heartily and I become flushed again, Patton sits up and gets off my lap, I feel confused as to why he did that. I look at him and he wraps his arms around me, placing his head on my shoulder.

"You're warm" he leans in closer to me and nuzzles into my neck, I feel completely flustered but aside from all anxious thoughts telling me not to, I put my arm around him, I don't really know what else I could do! He smiles at me and whispers something in my ear that makes me instantly shudder "I know you like me" I turn to face him.

I'm not the best liar. "Of course- you're my best f-friend" I smile awkwardly. "I know you love me" He says normally, still smiling. "and if it were true, what would you do with that information?" I ask with hesitation.

"This" he cups my face softly and leaves a kiss on my lips; I was shocked but immediately kissed back, when we pulled away our faces were both red. "And say, I love you too" He leans in for another kiss.


UwU sorry it's short, I don't 100% feel like writing?

549 word count

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